am i paranoid!?

edited February 2011 in September 2011
I found out I was pregnant on Monday, after being 2weeks late an having very sore breasts, positive pregnancy test... I'm due to see the midwife next week an I keep thinking she's going to tell me I'm not pregnant... I'm so happy an just don't want to be disappointed. :-( xxx


  • Is this your pregnancy. It hard not to worry but more then likely everything is ok. Have you had any cramping or bleeding. Why do you think something is wrong
  • Yeah my first, no cramping no bleeding not even morning sickness just tired an need a pee all the time! An really sore breasts, I think I'm just thinking the worst cause im sooo happy! X
  • I kno the feelin that's how I was also I didn't even believe the doctor then I had my first ultra sound today and I got to see my baby and its heart beatin n I knew it was true after the ultra sound was when I got happy:)
  • Thanks.. hopefully I'll feel better next Thursday when I see the midwife, should only be about 5 weeks till I have my first scan. X: -)
  • This is my third and I freak out every time. From the way it sounds your pregnant and lucky you don't have morning sickness
  • Yeah I know the feeling..but all u can do is pray! Good luck!
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