melasma-anybody have it and know a good treatment for it?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
My face has starting breaking out really bad, and I've developed melasma around my mouth and nose area and its uncomfortable and embarassing. Anybody else showing some unflattering pregnancy symptoms? I just want that glow like eveybody does /:


  • I have pregnancy acne bad..ive been scrubbing my face like nuts trying to get rid of it. I wash my face morning and night..but i dont even know what Melasma is..
  • Me too and its beyond frustratingg,and its a damper on the confidence. Melasma is brown blotchy spots on the face and its dry, uncomfortable and ugly /:
  • Ooh.. maybe there us some kinda cream your dr can give you?
  • Ill have to ask at my next appointment. Hopefullyyy (:
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