After a night of dreaming about funerals...when I wipe it is pink...I have a pressure feeling not cramping yet...please send prayers my way...I so badly want to be a momma!
I woke up with pink spotting too about a week ago. DH and I had sex the night before, the doc said it was prolly just from that or carrying something too heavy or even walking. He said there's a lot of blood there causing the vessels to dialate and can cause light pink spotting. I hope all is well with you and your baby!
Just a few hours ago I had just a very tiny bit of blood in the mucous but hasent happened again and I also feel pressure. Am 11 weeks. Plz keep updated and hope all is well
Still cramps just wake up every morning to it...and spot thru out the day...I am not enjoying this at emotions are so messed up I am crying at everything. mad at everyone...sad...I feel manic. And that is the only thing that gives me hope. Maybe that is a good sign.
Well ladies...started clotting yesterday for a bit...I have switched to rectal supps...and then this morning no more clotting...back to pink stain..the prog supp must have really been irritating my cervix...I have never cramped...just bled...if I go back to clotting will go to doc..but for now keeping the faith that this is all the progesterone.
Keep fingers crossed I get my HCG levels back today too...will post once I get!