when do i?

edited April 2011 in Baby showers
When do most mothers start their registry and what month do you have the baby shower??


  • I started my registry at 28 weeks and had my baby shower at 30 weeks.
  • It toom me a while to get my registry allset. My shower is may 7th, I finished registering april 5th ish, im due july 22. I gave myself like 2 weeks from start to finish registering, its alot to do all at once. I did all of mine online at babies r us, so much easier to compare products and see ratings and they have a list of ecerythung you could possibly need. Also there are more options online :)
  • ill be registering at 28weeks and havin my shower at 32weeks
  • Im 20 Weeks && I Just Started My Registry This Week So That Way I Can Make Sure When I Have My BabyShower I Can Have Everything I NEED && Wont Forget Anything
  • @Mommyy2Be I want in aweek or so but my sister is so over baring won't let me til futher along. I'm 20 weeks now.
  • edited April 2011
    Start it whenever you want. I'm gonna start one soon so I can just add stuff whenever I think of it. Just curious, What's your sister have to do with it?
  • I did my registry early, and as time went on I was able to take off things that I got my self or that family has bought so I dont get double the stuff and have to worrie about taking stuff back after the baby shower,, plus I was able to shop around for different things if I forgot something or changed my mind,,,im due july 12 and my shower is may 21
  • @blueberrysmom well me and my sister had been through alot and finally we are having a great relationship. She is a year older than me and we are trying to share this experience together. I dnt have alot of people(friends) to help. She just had her baby 2 and a half months ago. She told me she can offer me alot of help. There is only one problem we are total opposites. I just hope everything goes well.
  • @Laurenmarie729I that would be really cool to compare products and see ratings. That's a good idea;)
  • Question wats the registry and are we supposed to get the stuff? I know it sounds crazy but can someone let me know what I need to do I really want a baby shower but I'm due on halloween if its not to much to ask
  • Last time I did my registry the week after I found out the sex and had my shower at 36 weeks.
  • I'm almost 22 weeks and I just started mine, I will mail out the invitations the 1st of may, The shower is set for june 11th and my daughter is due August 29th. This allows me enough time to pick up anything that was missed and it gives shoppers enough time to shop... :)
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