Subchorionic Hemorrage

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Has anyone had this? I ended up in the ER on Friday night due to HEAVY HEAVY bleeding that was literally gushing out (tmi) but the baby was fine. Doctors didnt say much except that I had a threatened miscarriage. I have been doing alot of reading on the internet and this seems like a subchorionic hemmorage, which I'm hoping it is instead of a mc. The bleeding has pretty much stopped. I have a little pain on my left side of my pelvic area. Has anyone had this and what did you go through and how did things turn out?


  • Good luck. Sending positive thoughts your way!
  • I was diagnosed with that. My dr put me on bed rest and so I have just been sitting around for a month and a half but baby has been fine and growing good. My dr also said that he has had numerous patients with this and only one in the last 10 years has lost the baby. If 20 women have this condition only 1 out of that 20 will result in miscarriage. Do my advice is if you can do absolutely nothing for awhile because you need to let it heal and I was told if I went 2 to 2.5 weeks without bleeding I could return to work and my normal activities. Talk with your ob and find out what he thinks it could be and what he recommends. Good luck hope everything turns out fine.
  • @mommy_2_tyme88 I'm just so mad that the ER doctor gave me no info, how do you send a pregnant women home with no info as to what is going on? Did you also have heavy bleeding?
  • Yes, and bleeding.g off and on for last seven weeks, passing a lot of clots too. The clots seem to be what categorize it as a sh, they can be big or small. They say blood brown, but mine started as bright red turning brown. I felt so lost, but it is most common bleeding up to 20 weeks. Hate how little I got sent home with too.
  • I was out of town when it happened and all the er told me was a threatened miscarriage. It stopped for a day so returned home on a saturday. The following morning it started again but this time I passed a clot the size of a pancake. Went to the er (different one) again and thats when they told me I had subchorionic hemorraging. Following day went to ob and thats when he put me on bed rest. It's been 1.5 months and the bleeding stopped 2.5 weeks ago. Only plus about it was I got to go back in every week and see u/s of the baby. I go back in this tuesday to make sure the clot is gone and hopefully can go back to work. Good luck i'm sure everything will turn out fine.
  • @mommy_2_tyme88 I sure hope everything is ok too, makes me feel better to hear a story similar to mine. At this point I've pretty much just self-diagnosed myself from reading but I cannot wait to see the doctor tomorrow to make sure everything is ok!
  • I had some subchorionic hemorrhaging because of a car accident. I took it east for a few days (just to be on the safe side). And I have a perfect, beautiful daughter now. If your doc told you to take it easy (or if you feel like you need to) take it easy. Hopefully you will be fine too!!
  • @blissmarie23 Thanks hun, what were your symptoms?
  • I did not have as much bleeding as you but I had been in a car wreck the week before. Everything was fine and then I passed several dime to ping pong ball blood clots. I went to the ER certain I had lost the baby (my pregnancy before that was a miscarraige). I was sobbing and they did an ultrasound. She was fine. We saw the heartbeat on the ultrasound annd I couldn't believe it. I only bled for one day though. I did take it easy for several days after that.
  • @blissmarie I'm glad everything is ok. I just have this gut feeling that evrything is going to be ok for my baby. Thanks for sharing!
  • My dr says it's like getting a cut or a nose bleed you would want to continue to make it bleed by picking at it. You need to give it time to heal same goes for internal "cuts" the more bending twisting and activities you do the worse it will get. So just take it easy and make sure the dr does an u/s. Good luck.
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