ice cream twice in one day,bad mom?!

edited April 2011 in Health
I havent had ice cream in 6 months bc i was so concerned about caffeine n everything else but i gave in today n i had a small ice cream cone then a small oreo mcflurry, and boy was it good! Im 32 weeks today and now my baby girl is movin aroundlike crazy n i feel guilty now! :/


  • She liked it momma! Thats y shes goin nuts. Theres nothing wrong with indulging urself! Im a big girl, and still drink caffeine almost everyday. Doc told me to keep it below 12 ozs a day. Most things r perfectly safe n moderation!
  • Don't sweat it! You're entitled to have the good stuff every now and then! Hell.. I had a 1/2 caff caramel frappuccino from starbucks 2 days in a row. Thats way worse than ice cream.
  • Aw i hope so! Cuz i have been doin so good w not eating too bad and i know in moderations r fine but i did it twice in one day! Just feelin guilty lol :( she is like doing jumpin jacks in there right now!
  • Haha aw did u im so nervous w coffee i miss it so i know the cravings
  • Awww, u gave her her first taste of sugar! Pretty soon she will be doin cartwheels! You guys will be fine, keep up the good work momma!
  • Its okay. As long as its not all the time, don't worry about it.
  • I don't get it. There isn't caffeine in ice cream. Anyways what is so wrong with ice cream? It's a good way to get some calcium!
  • I get milkshakes at least twice a week. My doctor said ice cream is fine to eat even daily.
  • Thanks girls, and carrielee chocolate has caffeine so i always figured chocolatd ice cream has it as well. N i google eveyyyything n didnt think soft ic cream was safe it could contain listeria. But thatd only happen if it was like homemade icecream or sumwhere that uses unpasterized milk, which is just about nowhere so i feel better nlw bout eating ice cream lol figures when im 3 2wks. Oh well!
  • I eat ice cream almost daily... with my son I had mo appetite and could only stand ice cream, my doc said if that's all I could eat then there was nothing wrong with it. (; don't worry, mommy, baby will be fine.
  • Goodness mammaz ur doing great send some of ur self control my way lolz. Heres what I ate today (to make u feel better) toast w jam pizza rolls a peice of cake whopper jr fries and then a candy bar and im craving now I think I may have some jello or green beans lol cant decide hahaha and I will tell u im at 34 wks and ive gained next to nothing feel hige but I know im not as long as ur dr isnt complaining eat ice cream when u crave ur doing wonderful :)
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