my baby is breched and im 23 weeks

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
so when will she turn.. cuz those kicks down there are uncomfortable.


  • I'm not sure but I think she should start turning around that time. I'm 30 weeks and my babys still breeched! I'm getting worried.
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  • i hope she does turn. cuz those kicks are whoa! lol.. what r u having?
  • I know! I'm constantly being kicked in the bladder. I'm having a girl as well.
  • me too :) did u think of a name yet and have u nest already
  • Olivia michelle. How about you?
  • thats soo pretty. i decided on Leah Marie
  • I like Leah. I have a thing for girl names that end in an ah sound. My first daughter is Ava.
  • aww that pretty.. im excited.. i want her to hurry up and get here..
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  • thanks USMCwifemommy101107 ill try to do that..
  • When my oldest turned he got his foot caught n my rib I literally thought I was dying but the dr said cuz he barely had room
  • awww, he wanted to strecth out
  • Yea but he should of stretched b4 he turned I thought I been in labor
  • That's normal. Im almost 29 weeks and get ultrasounds every week. My girl is breech. Sometimes she's feet first and sometimes butt first. Today she has balled up on the left side and then an hour later balled up on the right side. She has kicked my bladder about a million times today. I think she has doubled in size over the past few weeks. She feels way bigger and is starting to feel uncomfortable moving around. She has been at it for hours!! I wish she would get her nest built and go to sleep.
  • My baby didn't turn til 34 weeks.
  • lol yea my baby girl is kicking right now.. i just want her to sleep. shes soo active :)
  • Sometimes they don't turn and if they don't the OB might try to manually turn baby. Didn't work for me so I ended up with a c-section.
  • My babys breeched too still at 32 weeks shes been like this since my ultrasound at 25 wks. So im nervous about the drs tryin to physically turn her.. ive heard bad n good things. Bc i dnt wanna havr a c section due to longer healing process n the scar.. so im hopin she turns on het own. But it seems to me she will stay this way
  • You've got plenty of time, sister. My daughter was breech up until the day before she was born. Let her play, she'll flip flop around in there for a while before she settles :)
  • My baby was every where till 32 weeks! 35 now and let me tell ya the kicks aren't comfortable either when they hit your ribs!
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  • Im 33wks and she just turned.... trust ne, it might fix the kick problem but it bring another set of issues :)
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