advice-moms with three or more

edited April 2011 in First Trimester
Just found out I am pregnant with number four. I have seven year old twins and a four year old. With my first to pregnancies I was never worried or scared but with this pregnancy I am freaked. And to make it worse the father whom I live with really isn't acting too concerned about it one way or the other. My third child is with him but we were not together when I had him. so his non chalant attitude is really making me feel like I might as well be a single mom again. So I am not sure if I am overwhelmed because it is still early or that this is my fourth child. Also I'm worried that maybe I won't be as good as a mother to four children. And not to mention maybe on some level I am worried what people may think, finances, etc etc. So any words of encouragement from women who have been there would be really appreciated.


  • edited April 2011
    My mom has four children, 21,23,26,28, five if you count my nephew whom she adopted 7 years ago, he's almost 9. She was a great mom for the most part. If you can try to be part of the schools pta and activities. She used to volunteer for field trips and making crap for the holiday parties.

    I'm sure you'll do great! It may be hard at first and stressful. But the older two can help out a lot if you ask them too.
  • Well I am expecting my 5th baby, but total between my hubby and and I we will have a grand total of 7. YOu will have doubts and fears but that is normal. There are always things we look back on from the past and think how we will do those things differently now. I can remember back when I was a single mom of my first 2 kids (boy,&girl) and sometimes I fell guilty for not doing more or doing better at somethings. But we learn from them. And we have to keep our kiddos first before ourselves for the most part. And just doing whats best for them and making do with what we have is the important thing. You will be a great mom to this baby and you will be fine. You will have plenty of love to give to this baby as well as all of your children. With or without the baby's father you can do it know matter what. Just enjoy your pregnancy and enjoy each and every day you have with this baby. You make the best of the situation and you let NO ONE bring you down. As long as you make the right choices for your family is what counts. Take a deep breath and relax. YOu will be great!!! :) How far along are you if you don't mind me asking? :)
  • Its okay this is my third and his first and I have no support from him he says its my fault and I messed his life up but I support my kids and his butt for almost two years...
  • I have a 7 year old, a 4 year old, 2 year old and now im 9weeks 3days with my 4th....when my husband and I found out I was pregnant he told me he "would rather die than have another child"....and now he's gone and I spent this weekend packing his s*it for him because he refuses to speak to me or his kids. I am absolutely terrified but let me tell you...god will never give us challenges we can't handle. I strongly believe that. You've just gotta stay strong for those beautiful babies of yours and you'll get through just fine. Screw what people think just do you and forget what others think :) keep your head up hun. Were all here for ya :)
  • This of my fourth, I have 3 boys.. At first I was worried because instead of people saying congrats they say are you crazy? Or so what you gonna do? Huh? I'm having my baby, at first my husband was blaming me saying I should have stayed on bc but I haven't been on bc for years so he can save that..I started thinking who cares what anyone has to say, we take care of our kids and has never ask anyone for any thing, do at the end of the day, I just thank god my our blessings..
  • @Leggs2011 @melinda326 @Heatherw29 @cassi923 @taiwana75 thank you all for your words of advice. I am six weeks and have my first appt next Friday. My hubby thinks its crazy, but says he is not by any means stressed about it either, so I guess that's a good thing. I told him the way I look at I'm not gonna have an abortion, I take as great care of my others as I can, so there is nothing to keep stressing about. And we talked about having one more in th next year or so anyway, so a little sooner than what we planned is not the end of the world. I am waiting to tell people until I'm as far a long as possible though, because I prob will get stressed again if I have to listen to rude/negative comments. Best of luck to you all! And Cassi I love your positive attitude as well, keep your head up too!
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