Age Gap between other siblings...



  • @Wisecourt
    My kids were beyond mad, I never see my teen boy cry, he actually said I was f uped his life. Today, they still comment but seem to be coming around. My relief was this baby is a boy. They both refused a girl.
  • 7 daughter, 3 son, and baby boy in july
  • @jaime77, I know right lol?!? I feel completely clueless! The gap is hilarious. Being a teen mom was not the smartest thing I've ever done, but with lots of prayers and support my daughter & I did fine. Now I'm happily married, & expecting all over again
  • 9g 5b 2b1b baby due in nov
  • by the time our new baby gets here our son will be 3 our daughter will be 2, and our new born
  • My kids are 14(g) 11(g)...they will be almost 15 & 12! My boyfriends kids are 18(b) 11(g) & 9 (g) ...huge age gaps... but for years (9 to be exact)...i had 3 different obgyn's tell me i wouldnt conceive ever again... been with my bf for almost 8 a wholr lot and never got preggo... till this january... guess the doctors were wrong.. i too cried my eyes out....for a few days...scared to tell the bf too....but a baby is a blessing... we love our kids and this is just one more to share our love with.. :) due 10/12
  • @wisecourt my teen girls are excited that im preggo. Been asking me for years to have another kid....i wasnt able... they are so involved...they are constantly asking questions and reading up on my pregnancy week by week. Ita sweet
  • My daughter is 5 and I'm due sept 4th..its perfect! When my 5yr old starts school my baby will be here...perfect!
  • @ammasmama dang 17 & ur prego now?! Wow I take my hat off 2 u!
  • @ simone Yep , I married when I was 17 and it actuually took us 2 yrs to concieve, infertile without reason. The second took 2 years I only ovulate every 6 months. The 3rd came on the pill. Divorced years later.

    Treated for endemetriosis in March 07, concieved my 4th in Oct 07, married my hubby now in 08. Was told I had less than 1% chance of getting pregnant agiain, concieved in 09, got on birth control and concieved this one end of 10! I think this is our last, I have a lot of medical problems and even more problems when pregnant.
  • My daughter is 11 and I'm due may 4. My aunts kids are 20 yrs apart
  • edited April 2011
    I have boys ages 11,12,&13 new little boy will be here in May.
    It almost feel like a first time pregnancy because things are so different now
    My kids are pretty excited but when I buy things for the baby they want me to buy things for them too. Problem is I'm pretty broke now. I always tell them that when they were babies they had everything and some.We had a lot more money back then. They are happy we are having a boy.
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  • My daughter is due august 12th and my son will be 2 august 31st ((:
  • My daughter will be 2 on August 8 and we're having another baby girl due July 13.
  • My boys will be 5yrs apart. I'm sad that they can't really play with each other but my firstborn is already so sweet to his little brother even though he's not really here yet. He talks to him, tell him jokes and kisses him. It's so sweet.
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