movement before labor

edited April 2011 in Third Trimester
For this of you who have been there, would you say the baby moved more,less, or about the same before you went into labor/


  • I was just thinking the same thing
  • I want to know too lol
  • i asked this a long time ago but never got an answer lol id love to know espicially now
  • They don't move as much at the end. I do know that some babies move a lot and some don't so I guess it depends on the baby
  • I know that the movement decreases in the weeks before labor because baby has less room to move but honestly when I had my 1st I had contractions for 4 days and wasn't paying attention to her movement, my 2nd is due in 8 days and his movement has decreased quite a bit, sorry I can't be of much help
  • my first didnt move as much towards the end.
  • They don't move as much because they don't have as much room. That's why they tell you to count your kicks. But right BEFORE you go into labor the baby becomes really active out the blue for a brief moment. Real contractions will tire a baby out tho.
  • Thanks everyone. Its not that she is moving, just kinda feels like she is stretching?
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