if you could make your mate experience one part of pregnancy what would you pick???



  • I would want him to experience the whole pregnancy from the morning sickness to hormones to the swelling to the late night cravings to the contractions to the 24 + hours labor. I want him to have to carry around 50 extra pounds, boobs hurting can't get in a relaxing position at night or when you finally get to sleep have the baby play football on his ribs. Sorry men but I would want you to feel everything we feel. Let them stay home and feel fat and depressed when we hit the city. Yea that would be nice :-?
  • Being constipated all the time LOL
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  • At the beginning I would have said my horrible sickness but now that I'm 35 weeks and closer to the end then I am the beginning now I say LABOR!!! :-D
  • Labor aching body restless notes can't sleep in not having an appetite..
  • Labor and delivery just so they know that isn't as easy as it looks to them.
  • as of right now i'd give him my exhaustion. he just doesn't get it...
  • Labor/tiredness/mood swings
  • How horrible it can be to pick,something to eat on a budget!! He gets so frustrated when it takes me forever to decide what to eat! I want a big juicy steak but can only afford a burger. I don't want a burger!!
  • Contractions definitely then he can compare it to a kick in the nuts! !!!!
  • I would pick the emotions they are driving me crazy!
  • Cravings exhaustion, and getting so fat. He doesn't get why I feel so gross and self conscious and then work so hard afterwards to be thin again. But yet tells me I don't NEED the ice cream.
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  • The constant craving of popsicles, exhaustion, and baby boy running around in my belly as soon as I lay down to sleep
  • He can do all the LABORR
  • Farting all damn day!!!!
  • lol @ashley_happy. I'd give my husband my exhaustion. I'd love for him to have to chase around an 18 month old and a 4 y/o and keep up on all the housework while growing a baby. Today he grouched at me for asking him to vacuum. Sometimes men are such asses!
  • This is a loaded question; I can't choose just one thing!!!
    When Im crabby, I'd say morning sickness (i had morning sickness until late 2nd trimester and yes it was all day!!) As well as my raging hormones (he doesn't get my massive road rage) and I would love for him to go thru labour.

    When I'm feeling nice, I'd probably say he'd enjoy feeling the kicks from the inside. (Tho I haven't been nice lately)
  • I haven't gone through labor yet, but I'm sure I'd share it with him. :) Other than that, I would say, the complete exhaustion. I don't think he realizes how seriously tiring growing another human being can be.
  • Everything that pg has to offer yhe csection and all while taking care of two other children
  • I have a great husband... so I'm going to be nice,and wish that he could just experience the feeling of life growing inside of him. The flutters and the movement. I actually feel sorry for men because they don't get to experience the most amazing miracal ever. We are the lucky ones not them ;)
  • edited April 2011
    All day sickness and I would get drunk in front of him and act stupid. Lol!
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