my hip hurts so bad

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 37weeks and I've had the worst hip and inner leg pain since about... idk the beginning! It sucks the Dr said I can take tylenol but it doesn't help nothing helps!


  • I'm in the same boat! He said its lower back pain but its my hip that feels out of place. I put a heating pad and it helps a little.
  • I know how you feel...and how we're posed to sleep on our side...but it hurts too much so on top of being sore beyond belief we are even more exhausted from losing what little sleep we do manage to get. I'd try the heating pad...I take very warm showers or a nice warm bath and soak and just relax...being tensed don't help matters...I hope you find something that works for you!!! Not too much longer girl!!d
  • I'm dealing with the same thing. Tylenol doesn't do squat! I took a warm bath, but it didn't help either. Blegh.
  • My hip feels out of place to I take a bath just about every night or its just ten times worse! My husband rubs it for me too sometimes but I'm so ready to just have this lil guy and hopefully go back to my normal back pain! LOL
  • I feel the same way my dr told me with a big smile on his face u can take tylenol if u want but the only thing thats going to help .... Drum roll please ...... Is having the baby ahhhh im like yeah dumbass I knew that much lol
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