how many tests did you take?



  • I took 3, Not including the 2 that i did at the doctors
  • I took 8 positive :) being my 4th it was a huge surprise!
  • I took 3 tests all negative, went to the doctor bc my pd was only 5 weeks late and the Dr did a test and I was 4 months pregnant. Then I took one at home to see it myself
  • 5 but only bc the line was faint my lines have always been very bright.this is baby #5
  • I took only 1 but didn't even need that one. I was already 10 weeks and in denial.
  • 2, both positive and was still in denial.. it wasn't until I saw my 1st u/s @ 10 wks that I believed it
  • I took 2 then 1 more then 2 drs visits so I am prego and so excited
  • I took 6 at home test and 1 at the drs.
    I just couldn't believe it. I was shaking it like it was going to go away. Lol I wanted it so bad I just couldn't believe it because we weren't even trying.
  • Far too many... 11 in total (one at 6dpo and one each day after that up to 16dpo). Just couldn't believe it.... never thought it would happen that quick! Hubby still doesn't feel like its real! Lol x
  • Only 1...I already had a strong feeling I was so thats all it took! :)
  • I took 3 at home and had 2 different doctors test. First two at home were really faint so I went to the first dr but didn't really believe them (and slightly in shock) took another at home was a little more clear. Finally got into my obgyn and got another positive. Still hasn't sunk in yet.
  • Took 1 first thing in the morning and was in so much shock called my husband shaking that it was positive. So when if came home for lunch took another test and before my pants were up the 2nd test was positive too. This baby was a HUGE shock since i had an ectopic in October and my body was still all out of wack. Well now im 14weeks and can't wait to meet my little one!
  • I took one at night it said pregnant took one in the morning it said pregnant had to go to my doctor to take one to get a proof of pregnancy and it said negative so they gave be another one and it said positive so I took 4 all together
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