I just love....

getting up to pee 3-5 times every hour. lol


  • Omg me too. Seems when i finally get comfortable I have to pee again.
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  • Lol not to that point yet. Wow
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  • @jamiesandefur I am only 4 weeks 2 days! :-| I am like my uterus must be growing really fast this early for me to pee as much as I do ...brb gotta pee. Again!! smh.
  • @lil_buggie_3 well we are holding off on sex for as long as possible in the first trimester. Had a loss in February. Started bleeding after sex so we are taking all kinds of precautions.
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  • @lil_buggie_3 it's ok. The Lord has a plan for us. He knows how bad Chris and I want and deserve this. Thank you.
  • The best part of the night besides the constant tossing and turning
  • Potty breaks, restless legs, tossing and turning, back aches, and snoring hubby..I think im turning into a zombie..
  • @waiting4numerouno wow, yeah, I found out I was pregnant at 8 weeks and a day. I'm 21 weeks now and just started having to go pee every second.
  • @preggointx I can still sleep pretty comfortably at night for the most part but it's still early. This peeing all day everyday is wearing me out already. lol

    We are taking a 3 hour road trip this weekend for Easter to visit his parents and share our happy news. I don't know how I am going to make it that long car ride having to pee every so often. smh. lol.
  • @luvbump yea my husband is a snoring machine as well. I have some really good ear plugs to solve that problem though. hehe! >:D<
  • Im 11weeks a two days and i pee atleast four times at night. I hate it. And sleeping at night is rough for me. I can't get comfortable. :-( hope it gets better rather than worse.
  • @jamiesandefur see you are over half way there though. I'm still in for the long haul. lol
  • @leslieharo I peed four times this past hour. So far I still sleep pretty good at night. Probably not gonna last much longer though. lol
  • I still pee all the time and I'm nearly 5 months along lol. Maybe I just have a tiny bladder.
  • Well my doctor said the farther you get the more you will have to pee and it gets harder to hold in your pee. Lol i hope i never pee on myself hahaha
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