Giving Each Other Advice about Pregnancy, Going to the Hospital, Labor and etc

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Eat before heading to the hospital...THEY ARE NOT GOING TO FEED YOU. So if your in LABOR for awhile you CANT EAT TILL THE BABY COMES OUT :D


  • Lol I agree!!
  • Breath slowly in and out instead of screaming when having contractions! Try not to scream, it does not help! Sway your hips side to side if able too!
  • Eating before is great advise. I packed snacks in my bag bc the cafeteria might be closed after delivery too and the maternity floor will have limited food choices.
    If u are feeling good enough get up and get moving as soon as possible. Gonna have to be up taking care of a newborn in a few days anyway. It helps bc u learn how to adjust your movements around soreness/stiffness
  • Only have people in the room that don't stress you out.

    The whole time my mom was tellin me how bad it was going to hurt.:\
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  • Don't go in right away, the longer you are there the longer labor seems. Wait til your contractions become closer together
  • Listen to your body! If you feel the need to get up and walk around or move around through contractions, do it! Keep in mind that no matter how tough things get, the end result will always be your beautiful new life in your arms, waiting for your love and affection...if that isn't motivation, I don't know what is!! :D
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