Sent home from the hospital....

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
37 weeks, 1 cm dilated, 50% efaced, with contractions 20 seconds long and 5 mins apart.

Just curious if anyone thinks I'll be in full labor soon or not.

I greatly appreciate any input :) Happy pregnancies ladies!


  • Seems like you are on your way! You will be back in there in a few days.
  • i hope so for your sake. :) good luck
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Thank you! I'm still contracting five minutes apart and they are getting way maybe it will be sooner, rather than later :) how far along are all of you?
  • 34 weeks.... good luck tonight if you try to stay up walking it can help speed things up some ;)
  • Looks like soon! Sex will help too! Good Luck! Keep us posted, I think that baby is gonna come soon!
  • We got to "baby making" as soon as we got home ;) I'm staying mobile...I want him here!
  • cant believe they.sent u home, my contractions where 15mins apart entire labour broke my waters 15 mins later baby lol id just bum around hospital so I could walk in when ready, im 35+2 baby 3
  • Me neither. I thought for sure I would stay. And I live 30-45 minutes away from my sucks! But it is now five hours later and I'm still contracting, harder and faster. I think it is baby time.
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