stroller discussion

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Hi ladies... so me and my bf purchased a stroller today and when we got home he started putting it together. I began to cook while he was putting it together and I thought I should take some pictures . I got sidetracked with something else and I didn't get to take any . My bf now is really upset with me. Idk what to do to fix it . I feel like the most horrible person in the world :(


  • he wanted pics of him puttin stroller together? Tell him to take it apart and redo it so u can take pics :D
  • Yup take it apart so he can but it back together and you can take pics
  • Yeah of him putting it together . I tried to but there was no response from him :(
  • u cant help it. he shlda reminded you. i know i have to be reminded of EVERYTHING
  • He'll have a lot more stuff to put together. He'll get over it.
  • I know ...Ive let him know that I'm sorry and that I understand what a big deal it was to him but he just keeps telling me he's really upset
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