mom is latina& dad is indian. help!!!!!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I just found out I was pregnant but I'm scared cuz my boyfriend and I have been dating for a lil over a year and I've never met us parents. He is Indian and I'm hispanic. From what he's told me about them they're kinda strict. How are they gonna take this news ,especially if they don't even know were dating?? Idk if the reason I haven't met them is because of my ethnicity. Help!!!!!


  • Awwe. Well they have to accept you either way. You are carrying their grand baby. Im sure everything will be fine. Talk to him about it (: Good luck<3
  • @miracleM2B well the other problem is he's not too thrilled about the pregnancy. He's actually talked about natural termination with vitamin c but I wouldn't hear of it. I have children from a previous relationship and this would be his first. Is it just cold feet for him cuz its a new experience??
  • @bellababy it could be that he worries about his parents reaction and doesn't want you stressing. It's going to be okay sweet. Talk to him and find out the problem
  • That could be it. Whether or not he chooses to be apart of it or not, he's still the father. That will never change. If he's man enough to stick it in, he man enough to take care of what was created. (:
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