My baby would've been 17 weeks today...

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I can't say for sure, buh if I've read enough and heard enough, I've miscarried... I've been bleeding for the past 9 days. It'd lighten then go away, and come back full force... Clots started appearing, and it kept getting darker..... I've lost all hope this... I'm so sick, I wanna cry... I don't know what to do.. I'm numb.. My husband tells me, it happens to a lot of first timers and after this I'll probably start having one after another.... Buh its not the same.... I hate to think I'd have to love call another child my first child when in technical reality, the baby won't be my real first.... Does that make any sense?


  • did you go to the doc to get it comfurmed? if you did mc im so sorry that is never a good thing to find out
  • It makes complete sense. Ive never miscarried but I get what your saying. I'm sorry to hear that...just stay strong.
  • my first pregnancy ended in a MC but my first born is now 6 yrs old. That's kind of how I see it. Honestly that MC devastated me when it happened we had been trying for over a year. That was 7 yrs ago and NOW the only time I get reminded of it is when I'm preggers and the nurse asks me what number pregnancy is this. My boys have made up for it. I hope you get the same peace in the future.
  • I had a miscarriage in dec and ik know how it feels I got pregnant again right away.but I still miss the baby I hits me some day worse than will always love the first child even if you lost it.but the next time you can pregnant u will love the child just as much and if you did miscarry just remember it happens for a reason and your body rejected because there was something wrong.mine was a chromosome problem.what you need to do is let your husband or who even how you feel and just cry it helps.and you will feel very tired so take iron.if you every need someone to talk to I know how it feels.just let me know if you want to know anything else
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  • hey I was wondering how everything was going and if you need someone to talk to I found out 3 days ago that I had another miscarriage and I know how painful it is.and I'm here anytime u wanna talk.I can give you my email if you don't wanna talk on here
  • Go to the doc girl I kn its scary but what if you haven't lost it yet and your waiting to long. Go if you haven't
  • You have to go to the doc hun. I"m 13 weeks and Friday I started bleeding heavily and also bled a little yesterday but I have not mc, hopefully I wont. Heard the baby's strong heartbbeat today...
  • @dueoct27th I'm soooo sorry to hear that!!! As for me, I try not to think about it... My husband just happens to be the exact opposite... How are you hun?!
  • I'm so sorry, I had ectopic last summer, a miscarriage in the fall, and they were my first babies and this time was having twins but lost one. Bittersweet, and I never thought I'd survive. Try to know it will get better and you have much support here.
  • I'm doing good justed had my surgery today and I'm doing pretty good
  • I am sorry to hear that, Hope is not a mc. I had an etopic about 5 years ago and never got preg. since I found out in January I was expecting and had a mc. at 10wks in feb, It is very hard for me but I try to stay positive, my husband took it harder than I did, we have been together for 8 years now we both have kids from prev, relationship but none for each other, so I pray to God for this to happen for us. Stay strong and try to been seen asap by a dr.
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