How did u tell your parents

edited April 2011 in First time moms
I'm 10wks and I haven't told my parents I'm 26 but I am still terrified to tell them... any ideas???


  • Buy an I love grandma bib or onesie, wrap it up and give it to her or since its close to Easter put the message inside a plastic egg....Atleast this way you don't have to come right out and say it and try to think how your going to bring it up.
  • Is this your first?
  • Have you got ultra sound pics taken yet? If so you could make copies and put then in a frame like @octmommy said! I like that easter egg idea she had to!
  • good luck with whatever why u tell them. I am 24 20 wks and haven't told my dad lol and I just told my mom a few wks ago lol
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  • I sent a pic of the pee stick to my moms husbands phone. Then I called her phone SUPER quick and asked her toget chris's phone. So we just kept small talking and then she finally got the pic. She was like "what the hell am I looking at?? Are you serious? I'm so happy for you!" Then she was silent(crying) then she kepy going on and on about it. Lol. I was only 4 weeks pg then.

    We live 18 hours apart or I would haveb wrapped it up and gave it to her w/ a kiss and I love you mommy. We are real close. For my dad he called me and my hubby was like tell him tell him. Lol. So I did.

    Good luck on finding a cute and fun way. If ur not close id do the phone thing if you can. That way if she is dissaopointed or shocked you don't have to see it on ur face. But if you think she'll be happy just go see her if you live close by.
  • I'm 19 and 32 weeks. my dad is really old school and southern and has a short fuse.. I was terrified but at 6 weeks the babys dad left me and I went to my dad crying and I said "i have to tell you something but I really need my daddy and not a dictator ok.." Then I told him and he was surprisingly understanding and now he's super excited for his grandson. I think you should just approach your parents in a way that you can control the situation and keep it calm. Maybe they'll surprise you.
  • U can get a cake n have it say "due in ______"
  • Im 17 ekg and 20 yrs old...I skyped my mom last thursday cause she's in iraq and I've been trying to find a way to tell my dad cause he lives in atlanta and I live in texas but he's a truck driver and he's driving through my city today and I'm gonna tell him at dinner....I'm nervous
  • I'm 21 and 35 weeks pregnant and didn't tell either of them, my mom found out when I was 8 weeks, I had horrible morning sickness & needed to borrow her car one day so I was riding with her on her way to school and started throwing up...she said you better not be pregnant and I said yeah I dad was another story we were all scared to tell him bc he is really my mom told him when I was 19 weeks when he was a couple states away (he is a long haul trucker) a week later we found out it was a girl...he wouldn't talk to me for a couple weeks but then he got over it and they are both excited now!! Good luck!
  • I waited until my first doctors appt, I knew I was going to get an ultrasound. When I got the print outs I took a picture with my phone and send it to my moms phone. She figured it out and text me back.
  • @OctMommy yes this is my first I'm very nervous @BabyLuv8 I have gotten an us just recently!!! You all have great ideas I want to be creative so I am going to try the Easter egg LOL I hope it works out for the best!!!
  • My husband just casually gave the ultrasound pic to my mom and she starting crying ..then started crying ..then so on..
  • @mybabe well congrats and good luck! I'm 26 and was nervous to tell my parents. I felt like I was gonna pass out! I gave my mom an I love grandma bib for her birthday. She thought it was a face mask at first til she turned it over and read it. But atleast I didn't have to say anything!
  • @OctMommy LOL I need something where I am not say too much because I'm a chicken when it comes to my mom, but my dad I'm just gonna wait til I start showing LOL
  • @legs2011 I live a couple hours away so I'm driving up there this weekend hopefully I will tell her!!!
  • @mybabe....i did the ull know when im holding a baby thing...omg my dad was furious. This time around I just called him (from another town) and I was bluntly honest I said hey dad dont give me any crap im 27 n I know the way it works im pregnant then I hung up lol he called back n said wow ok well let me know....(idk what that meant though)
  • LOL too funny!!!
  • Goodluck! :) have fun.
  • LOL thanks!!!
  • I was 2 weeks late but was still testing negative so had an inside joke of "Baby Almost" cause we weren't quite sure yet. I tested positive then took the pic of the test texted it to them and said "Almost is an is!" Called my mom right after, she was beyond thrilled.
  • Didnt tell my parents i was prego until i was in da hospital having my baby girl. I know that was messed up an i was 19when i got prego n had her at 20. Three years later i find out im prego with # 2 n its a boy told my dad i was pregp with this one at 26 wks on facebook lol
  • @amyduh that's a hard situation to be put in good luck!!!
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