18 week appointment :)

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Due on September 20th

Had my 18 wk Appt...don't know what I'm having yet (will find out in about a week) but the little booger was moving all around And kicking the heart doppler while we were trying to listen to the heart beat! :)

Was told I need to gain more weight and eat more...in the Drs words "even if that means you grab a milk shake after work!"

Hmmmmmm Drs orders! :p

Anyone else been told to gain weight?!


  • Yes I started out weighing 90 pounds now at 20 weeks tomorrow weighing 120 I've gained 30 pounds but still not enough I feel like a pudgy ball n it's hard at times but still eating my self away lol baby has to love it :)
  • @nicoleproudmommytob I weigh 150 now...the Dr says she like to see me gain 25lbs by delivery. Just the thought of that I can't comprehend. .LOL. I know its mostly baby and for baby!

    Guess ill start giving until those crazy cravings at 3am!
  • I try to eat every 2 hours n snack in between I feel like I'm over loading but eating later at night helps u gain weight too. But I read that one of the babies favorite thing to hear is the rumbles of ur tummy but for me if my tummy starts saying feed me I do lol
  • N I'm due Sept 7th B-) glad to c sum one else due in Sept
  • @nicoleproudmommytob

    Yepp snacking it is! Going to head to Walmart soon and buy the goods! ;) LOL.

    Yeahhh! September mommy! You ready for the hot summer? Or where you live does it get hot? Ima live in tank tops I swear! Haaaha! BTW do u know What your having?
  • Ive only gained 6lbs @ 22w nd mii doctor didn't say to eat moree?? Mayn bcuzz I already weigh 186(now) .. Hmm.. I eat lots of fruits n veggiess doe.. I dnt crave anything! N eat regular meals throughout the dayy...
  • I'm soo not ready for the hot summer n I turn 21 July 2nd n can't drink on the big 2-1 really blows but its gotten up to 80 here in Iowa n hot flashes have hit me I'm only half way there n already hot as hell lol r u? N tank tops r my buddy :) n I don't kno what I'm having think I find out on Tuesday the 26th I just switched drs so feels like I'm starting all over but I hope they tell me n really want a boy..u kno ur babies sex yet?
  • @nicoleproudmommytob

    I have my ultrasound on Thursday!! :) so excited! We will keep it a surprise till our gender reveal party on Saturday! Sooooo excited!
  • Lost 16 lbs first trimester, gained 1 back so far in the second. Been off work, Dr wants me to gain five before cleared for work in two weeks. I wasn't skinny to begin with, but not overweight either, weird situation for me!!!
  • I've Been steady@120 since I found out I was prego. Now 14 wks & still the same. Dr isn't worried yet, but reminded me to eat@least 3x/day.
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