not worried or stressing... BUT...

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Im 16 weeks and 3 days and... my nipples really started to hurt. (I have my nipples pirced) so I took my nipple bars out and clear liquid came out. Am I lactating? It seems early??? Should I be worried? Should I leave my piercings out?


  • I have 2 rings in each nipple and the colostrum leaks out constantly mine started clear now has gotten a little white ... it hurts sooo bad the holes get blocked put a warm compress on them if they hurt
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  • Omg I know this is not an answer to ur question but I want my nipples pierced but I'm scared its gonna hurt really really bad lol sry I'm no help but did it hurt really bad??
  • lol it hurts but not as badly as u think iy would just make sure you research where u get it done ... last place u want a mess up or infection lol
  • I'm sorry but don't put any medicine on your piercing until you see you obgyn! It will just make the piercing worse if you put anything on it
  • my ob said no ointments or peroxide at all!!! ... just mild soap
  • u may want to get the extra lomg bars if u plan to keep em in the entire pregnancy... ur nipples can swell and with my last pregnancy mine did almost over night and haf to go get the bar cut and removes!
  • @Sarahbeara03 thanks I know I wasn't any help but I've always wanted them pierced lol nd ill definitly look up some places before doin it..I'm jst sooo scared lol I can do tattoos but when it comes down to big thick needles I freak out lol
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  • nipple rings were nothing compared to nose ring!! tattoos suck depending on placement had to be held down with one of mine lol
  • edited April 2011
    I had that issue with mine, too @sarahbeara03. I've had mine pierced 5 years. I found it was easier to leave them out for breastfeeding, then put them back in after I was done with that (months later) when I had my son. The trick is getting them back in. But don't worry about the clear liquid. Milk used to come out of my piercing holes all the time...creepy and weird, but nothing scary. :)
  • i dont have a problem with mine at all ive had mine 7 yrs since I was 18
  • I was answering too lol
  • @sarahbeara03 my nose is too big lol can't get tht pierced nd I want my eyebrows pierced but seeing the needle tht close up is too much lol I wanted my belly button before havin kids lbvs but I dnt like my belly button touched lol but tattoos Omg I love they are so addictive lol I have 5 nd when I have my daughter I already have a back piece sketched out so I'm very excited =]]
  • @iris_y_jaun lol I had the oppposite problem I have no nose and he had a hard time doing it, I agrre tattoos are extremely addictive I do mainly nature tattoos I have my first daughter rrpresented by a butterfly ony shoulder but I wanna do a full back eventually off of ig... whats ur back piece gonna be?
  • Thanks for all the advice ladies.!! I really don't want to take them out yet nor do I want them to close. :/
  • @sarahbeara03 its gonna say"daddys angel" in graffiti letters nd with wings on my shoulder blades..its gonna be all in purple goin into light purple shading but not blk at all nd no lines so basically its all shaded but from dark to light purple
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