Hello all!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Hi I'm Meghan my husband and I just found out we are expecting! Which makes sense I've been sick out of my mind for the past three weeks or so. Rough estimates is I'm between 8 and 9 weeks. Be it a girl or boy may it bring great joy! It's not going to ne easy on us because we were advised to not get pregnant, but God works in mysterious ways! (I was on birth control and we weren't 'trying') Anywho I look forward to this and conversing with the other parents, to be's, siblings and all! Meghan


  • Welcome. I know all about the surprise of it. My husband and I have been told for years that we wouldn't be able to have children of our own and found out on Feb.16 we were pregnant. It's still a huge shock but we are loving every moment. God works in very mysterious ways but He has blessed us with this miracle. Congrats.
  • Thanks! Marc (my hubby) and I are so happy. We thought I had the flu when the doc came in and.... guess what?!? I had a son 9 years ago with massive complications and he left my insides in very poor shape. We'd been told even if some how I did get pregnant I wouldn't be able to carry full term. Amazing that once the positive pregnacy test came back just how much cam be done to help us mommies be okay thru out this! I joined this for the added support and reduce the stress of complete bed rest. And because the miracle of it all makes me want to shout it from mountain tops!
  • I thought my sickness was from stress for my job and blamed being late on that also. My husband bet me 150$ that I was and I guaranteed him that I wasnt. Well, needless to say the baby has a savings acct of 150$ now. LOL. I'm 13weeks and 2days today and go for my next appt on Monday.
  • We never had a thought in our heads. And being on the pill.... well we just DIDN'T even think baby. We run our own company and its been HELL the past few weeks with the sickness. He thought I'd contracted a wicked case of the flu, I thought maybe it was molds in the air at our new job sight. We were both wrong.... lol! Being on bed rest and having blood tests telling me what vitamins to take more or less of helps considerably. Plus knowing I'm sick because of our child makes enduring this much much easier
  • I'm glad to just be almost completely over the sickness and have my appetite back. It just seemed like I turned into someone else and now I'm almost back to the old me. Yayyy!!
  • I await that day gladly I've still eight to twelve more weeks of ick. My hubby awaits it as well. He's ready for my pickles and ice cream in the middle of the night phase. Now that we know we can have our baby he wants me to ask for anything other than tumms crackers and my caffeine free coke
  • LOL. My husband bought me a huge jar of pickles, and carbonated flavored waters from wally world. But, I eat just about anything now. He was going to make dinner and asked what I wanted and said one of everything that we have. LOL
  • When are you due?
  • iI'm not that great at math w the weeks and what not due dates are so much easier figure
  • I'm due Oct 21st as of now. My doc is supposed to measure me on Monday to make sure I am right.
  • Are you sad you don't get to dress as a pumpkin for Halloween? Lol I'm going to be a jar of jelly beans. I've been laid up two weeks now and it gets boring. I'm due Nov 27 right after turkey day. If I make it that far :)
  • I'm not sad at all. LOL. But, I'm going to start working on the baby's costume. LOL I couldn't imagine being on bed rest. Id go crazy. I still work full time but only at 4 days a week and my husband is the best helper. So, makes me being so tired a lot easier.
  • Bed rest is crazy but I believe it'll be worth it. Marc thinks I'm like made of gold or something the way he looks at me on bed rest. He calls it the ultimate sacrifice.

    As for tired.... I don't think I'd survive this pregnancy w/o the bed rest. I'm sleeping like 16-18 hours daily the past two weeks. My doc says its normal that my body is having to work like 5 times as hard vs a normal pregnancy w all the crap that comes w high risk. But at about 16 weeks he said I'll be not as tired. I hope
  • Congratulations!!!!
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