
edited April 2011 in Pregnant
After sex really light barley turned tissue pink! Am I ok


  • I know that I had that a little bit in my first trimester and my doc said it was normal. Just keep an eye on it and if it continues get in touch with your doc.
  • Thanks so baby will be ok? @ newmomntx
  • You two will be fine. Most docs saying some spotting after sex is very normal. is this your first baby?
  • Baby should be just fine. Just make sure if it persists that you call your doc. Good luck!
  • Yes it is that's why I worrie I'm only 14 weeks
  • I will be 14 weeks on Friday and first baby for me and my husband. I have had some spotting after but just is barely one wipe and then its gone.
  • Ya when I wipe its really light pink and I don't hurt so I guess ill just keep an eye on it
  • Please do. Every case is different hun and I am by no means a doc or nurse. If it persists for more than a couple of hours or gets worse you should get in touch with your doc. But, I am sure you are fine. >:D<
  • That's ill probably end up calling in the morning
  • You are welcome. How old are you and where are you from?
  • I'm 19. From Texas wbu?
  • Im 25 and also in Texas. North Houston. The woodlands to be exact. And where in Texas are you?
  • The woodlands also ;)
  • Wow. Nice to have someone close by and close in due date. I'm due Oct 21
  • Wow that's awesome lol I'm due 17th what doctor do you use?
  • Dr. Barcio at Champion's Women center off of 249 and Louetta area.
  • Ohh I go to women's health I use Dr. Crowder its on 6 pines
  • I was referred to Dr Barcio by quite a few of the preggo ladies at work and it is close to my work. She has been great thus far. We go and see her again on Monday and get to see our bundle of joy.
  • Aww I won't get another u/s till June 2. Is this ur first u/s
  • No, she did one to confirm my pregnancy at 6 weeks and last month she did some simply because I had spotting two days in a row. So, I am really hoping we get to see 'it' this time. LOL
  • I've only had one and it was at 8w3d so I'm excited for june to see how big its gotten. And it always makes me feel better after seeing or listing to the heart beat since I don't feel kicks yet@newmomntx
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