First Trimester Mommy's

Hi all! I am 3 weeks (almost a month i will be next week). Anyhoo lookinh for the first trimester moment. To share positive enteracting with. So we centre be happy and nothing feel alone. Experienced moms are welcome. Congrats everyone!


  • Hi, I am 5weeks and I am going crazy. Having mixed emotions about it all.
  • Hello, I think I might be around 3 weeks too. I've been having several symptoms and am doing blood work next week. Some people have told me its too soon to show up, did u get a positive already?
  • I'm 6 weeks with my third
  • Yes, its not too early at all.
  • I had an injury to my leg, so they needed to find out if I was pregnant before they did xrays and a week before my period was due they told me by blood work.
  • I'm 5weeks n 4days
  • Mommynumberfour, when is you due date?
  • Thanks for the info yessie... Next week is a week before my period so hopefully it will be confirmed then :-)))
  • Hey I am almost 7wks due Sept 6th with my 1st :)
  • I have been ill and was in the ER yesterday. Imagine my shock when they all came in an told me my blood work was positive! I'm a newlywed and the staff all knew that. Crazy thing is my hcg levels only show that I'm about 2 maybe 3 weeks! So blood work is super sensitive!!
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  • Im in my 5th week. Super nervous.
  • Lyssa hope ur feeling better n ty for sharing your story. Ive been wondering how early it would show in a blood test, now I know :-)))
  • Hello chickys I'm 7 weeks and this is my first bub due 8th September . Omg I am an emotional reck this week lol moody and in tears one minute and happy as Larry the next . Also been pretty tired . Hope u are all going ok xx xx
  • @gabschillen you'll b fine sweets just keep positive :)
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  • I'm 6 weeks today with my 2nd.....nervous and excited and tried of sore boobs too! Seeing the doc on monday:)
  • Dreams when pregnant are more vivid. It so creepy how they seem real.
  • edited January 2011
    Hope everything so fine for everyone
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  • edited January 2011
    Yesterday I was dreaming about spiders and zombies, I told my hubby and started laughing at me. I wanted to punch him in the face his morning.
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  • Omg, is this your first?
  • hello to all and congrats! We will all be fine and have beautiful and healthly babies. And i knw we are scared bt with faith and this support group we will be fine. So plz no misscarriage talk on here only positive things. So if i cn i will try to stop by everyday. P.S. i found out last wed by urine and blood test. And i have another appointment this wed on Tha 19th. Congrats again to us all. :">
  • Hi everyone, I'm almost nine weeks with my third. I am also dealing with a chronic illness so I'm hoping all goes well. So far the fatigue and nausea has been awful.
  • Hello...I'm 7 weeks and 2 days with my first. I'm oober excited as is my boyfriend. But I'm already tired of being tired and sick of my boobs hurting worse than I could ever imagin and havein to pee every 30 minutes already. When I found out I was pregnant I was living with my boyfriend in a room at his friends house and we had just gotten approved for the house that me and my boyfriend and our 2 friends were looking at. Ironically enough the house we got was a 3 bedroom and we got the house before I knew I was pregnant. It was great to have a house and then find out I was pregnant and already have an extra bedroom for the baby. I'm so excited about this baby and August 31 seems really super far away. Lol
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  • Hey everyone. Im 6 weeks 2 days with our first. My boyfriend and I are beyond excited...1st prenatal exam with ultrasound is Thursday morning (1/20) ...We are soooo excited. Good luck everyone :X
  • Hi ladies! Im 7 weeks pregnant with my first! My hubby and I are super excited but this week has been the week from pregnant lady hell! Back aches, sore boobs, cramps, fatigue and nausea make for one tired mom2be! But I feel incredibly blessed to be carrying a little someone inside me! God bless!
  • Hello.... I'm 8 weeks....this is my first. I thank god for the little gift he gave me. I just wonder how would it be if men got pregnant instead ?
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