at age 23 he is still a childn Guys dont mature as quick as women do. Sounds like hes not intetested anymore or maybe he wants his cake and eat it too. He must know you love him and will keep falling for his crap. You should show tough love and ignore him. give him a taste of his own medicine.. Easiest way not to text him is delete his number.. Good luck
You seem so smart! Love hurts sometimes but mommy you can do this on your own. You dont need a man. My ex left me 2 months pregnant and my mom told me that me and my baby were more important. If you can't stand on your own two feet how will you ever be able to stand next to someone worth your time, love and life. He's obviously not worth it and he'll only change if or when he is ready. No offense acting like a crazy baby momma will only make it worse. You take the best care you can of yourself and your baby girl and to hell with him. Make yourself proud of who you are for your baby. No one else matters. Act like he's a sperm donor and leave it at that.
Wow that helped a great deal im so hurt right now though but im staying strong for my child. This guy was gone the first six months of my pregnancy and I dealt with it...i can do it again its just hard when youve loved someone for 3 years and theyre too dumb to realize what they have
Good luck
Good luck. You will be fine.