August baby!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
My due date is August 17th and this is baby #4. My husband is in the Army and will be home in my last trimester. Just in time for all the fun! I dislike him not being here but I have a awesome support system. So glad he didn't re-enlist and in June he is no longer married to the military.


  • My due date is August 16th and this will be my first. My husband and I are both so excited and to my surprise he wants to be involved in everything that has to do with baby...sometimes I feel he loves me more now and I worry it will change once I'm no longer pregnant..congrats on your pregnancy armywife31 and I think its so cute that our due dates are so close.
  • It's always great to have a supportive husband! I am sure your husband will love you just as much as he does now after the baby gets here. Congratulations on your first bundle of joy! Keep me updated!
  • I actually told him what I had posted and he took it very seriously and ended up talking to me for about an hour about how yes he loves me more than ever now especially since I'm carrying his child but that that love will just keep growing stronger and for me not to worry. It made me feel very loved and special and relieved at the same time. Thanks for your feedback I will definately keep u updated and I'm happy for u that your hubby will be back by your side in june!
  • My due date is also Aug 17th I can't wait to have my baby are you showing yet???
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  • 1hotmami that's awesome! Baby_love yes I am showing, and I'm excited for you. Is this you first? mama0811 Thank you and good luck to you too!
  • I'm due aug. 25 (will have a more accurate dd on the 28th) and I'm not showing yet. :/ I'm definately feeling it though!! Lol.
  • I'm due August 13th with my first. Soooo excited
  • Due August 12th with my first, also excited, ready to not be pregnant and just learn to be a mommy :)
  • im due august 12th with my first! i have a very small "bump" but you cant really tell
  • Due august 12th with baby# 2! So excited! Can't wait for our son to have a sibling :)
  • @2600wifey! same due date :) lucky you with a small bump! I'm only 5'1 and started at 120 and I've already gained 10 pounds so it's verryyy obvious that I'm preggo
  • @mommyof2naugust! wow, 3 in a row hahah :)
  • @AKmommy i want a bump tho!
  • :)) congrats ladies! Well I am having a scheduled c-section so baby will be here a week early, yay!
  • @2600wifey Don't worry it'll come lol, it almost came outta no where on me, one day normal, the next day obvious, my husband even commented on it, have you gained any weight yet?
  • @AKmommy idk for sure bc i dont weigh myself at home i have doc appt monday so excited! last month i lost 4 lbs so hope i gained whatever i should have. my mother in law says she can tell but its crazy bc i feel like i just always looked like this but i guess i proly wasnt this fat
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