Mine is very close to @praying4our3rd...but we added baby should be delivered directly to my chest to nurse. No heplock unless medically meccesary. No epsiotomy. I will tell them when to break my water. And im aloud a number of people in the room. ( I have 3 friends two doulas, my hubby and then medical staff. (I really wanted a homebirth with the people I wanted around
@blissmarie23 I need a plan like that and make my birthing staff sign contracts, stating no interventions. My doctor would look at me like I was crazy, lol.
@ynvtish. Haha, I don't blame you. I don't want any now, but I can see myself screaming at everybody because the pain, I don't handle pain well at all. Is this your first?
I am going to attempt to have as natural birth as possible, with no drugs and minimun interference. I don't want an episoitmy because in all honesty a tear is easier on the body to repain then a straight cut, plus I knew a girl that got one and they messed up and ended up cutting too far and she ended jp being cut from vag to butthole
I think it is just going to be my bf and I maybe a friend not to sure. My last children were quick labors an hour or less so im hoping for the same unfortunately with my complications I may have to have pain meds, although as I said im going to try again without because with my first it was actually easier even though slightly more painful to do it natural.
For those doing homebirths are you going to do water home births? I hear that they are pretty good and I wanted to try with my first but she came out to fast!
Good luck to you all. Your birth plans all sound good hope they all work out for you
@kalicojennie sounds great. U wanna do a water birth in a birthing center. @kayleigh27 that's kind of where I'm at, chuckle a bit when I hear people on tlc saying during labor they thought they were dying. Its funny because its real,and you forget that it doesn't last forever.
Lol yeah that's true. I know its going.to hurt like a beeotch and kudos to the women that can do it naturally. I just want to option of getting pain killers
My mom had my little sister and was going to go no drugs... She quickly changed her mind but had to wait bc all the women on the floor wanted their epidurals at the same time.... So me, I want to be stuck early, often, and generously
Natural labor is for the birds.. this is my 4th child and I want ALL the drugs I can.
My labor was 5 hours with my 3rd... I was drugged up too. I slept through most of it.. pushed 3 times and she was out.
Forget being misserable and uncomfortable. Now my first child I labored 18 hours in pain with no meds... F-that again! Im a punk when it comes to pain! Dose me up! :P
I think it is just going to be my bf and I maybe a friend not to sure. My last children were quick labors an hour or less so im hoping for the same unfortunately with my complications I may have to have pain meds, although as I said im going to try again without because with my first it was actually easier even though slightly more painful to do it natural.
For those doing homebirths are you going to do water home births? I hear that they are pretty good and I wanted to try with my first but she came out to fast!
Good luck to you all. Your birth plans all sound good hope they all work out for you
@kayleigh27 that's kind of where I'm at, chuckle a bit when I hear people on tlc saying during labor they thought they were dying. Its funny because its real,and you forget that it doesn't last forever.
My labor was 5 hours with my 3rd... I was drugged up too. I slept through most of it.. pushed 3 times and she was out.
Forget being misserable and uncomfortable. Now my first child I labored 18 hours in pain with no meds... F-that again! Im a punk when it comes to pain! Dose me up! :P