constipation :/ any good fiber filled foods?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
My dr told me to get metamucil but I'm trying to add foods with very large amounts of fiber lol, any ideas?


  • Fiber one bars are so yummy. I like the peanut butter ones and the caramel.

    I drink a lot of watered down juice, I think it helps. I don't poop the days I don't drink juice. I like the minute maid juices and simply lemonade with raspberry. But I have to water them down, and I can't drink it first thing in the morning or I get a really acidic stomach and heart burn or something. Tastes like bile in my throat.
  • I can't freaking poop for days at a time :( haha but yeah I've had those fiber one bars and they aren't bad, I'm gonna get the cereal at the store. And orange juice does that to me I get so sick on it, so maybe I could water it down and it go down better? Thank you so much for your imput!
  • PRUNES!!! there's really good ones you can buy in the snack isle. They're individually wrapped and they're called Ones:)
  • No! The fiber one cereal tastes like carboard! Trust me. I tried it a while ago because I wanted to switch from frosted flakes and lucky charms to grown up cereals. Bad idea.
  • You Can take miralax, and drink water. Fiber food doesn't work unless you drink alot of water
  • Hahahah I love the fact you just said grown up cereals! And thanks for telling me glad I didn't waste 5 something on a box of chipped up cardboard!lol :p
  • I love fiber one bars! Buutttt....I read something on this forum that there's something in them that's not good while prego to eat all the time. Good thing I was paying attention!! Guess that's what Google is for! :D
  • It's what I'm here for. ... frosted flakes ftw.
  • Try Belly bars. They have good stuff in them. Also cut back on dairy.
  • @Katlilly; welll crap :( hahah I was banking on them, now what?!
    @jwigs; I love frosted flakes, any fiber at all? :)
    @snreda;what are belly bars? Like where would they be in walmart?
  • I don't want to know. I like pretending they are good for me!
  • its a specially made snack for pregnant women. They are so good, and have lots if good stuff in them for mins and baby. They are reallly good for people who work. Youcan get them at target or online I like the yogurt and nuts and berries. They can act as a meal replacement too.
  • I like granola, chopped apple, raisins, and cinnamon mixed with yogurt instead of milk. Mmmmm hippie food :)
  • Kiwis! Don't eat more than 1 1/2 - 2 at a time or else your mouth will burn
    Also, mangos.
  • I eat apples every day. And a cup of decaf coffee. Coffee is good laxative! But I do decaf so I dont get the cafein
  • Apples and fruit dnt eat rice and rice
  • Thank you guys for all of your advice<3 it'll really help me.
  • I take stool softeners
  • Try fiber drinks that you mix with your water bottles
  • I eat 3 prunes a day....
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