Sad & he's making things worse

I woke up bleeding A LOT this morning. I went to the hospital to find out I had a miscarriage. I've been crying all morning and my bf doesn't seem to care at all and he seems really happy about it. I really don't know what to do or think.


  • Just keep ur head up and people grief in different ways
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  • Sorry for your loss, God makes thing happen for a reason hon. maybe it wasnt the right time for it. And ur bf probably doesnt know how to show his emotions stay strong you got your whole life ahead of you and plenty if time for another baby when the time is right.. Take your time enjoying life :)
  • Sorry for you loss hunny but gonna agree with above. Your so so young and have plenty of time. What's meant to be is meant to be. Live your life a little x good luck x
  • How old is you bf? Same age as you? I'm very sorry for your loss honey but if you've ever seen 16 and pregnant most of the time the guys bail even as adults sometime the man bails. Surround yourself with positive people and if he's being insensitive give him the boot. This is a time for him to be by your side even if he is "happy" he should be a good bf and allow you to cry on his shoulder. Allow yourself some time without him to clear your head really evalute your situation. Good luck sweets
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