
edited February 2011 in Pregnant
So I am posting here because I need reassurance, encouragment, something :)

I am due Oct 3 and have a history of ectopic pregnancies (2). I am hving some cramping (mild) and sore on my right side again. Went to dr and my first HCG was 605...headed out to get another draw done today! So scary, don't want to hv another loss! I really pray I get to stay on here until Oct, everyone seems to be so supportive here!

I will update as soon as I know anything!


  • I've been having severe camping. Feels like severe menstrual cramping. I have my first ultrasound Tuesday to check for an ectopic. My beta levels have more than doubled in 48 hours and the obgyn says that's a Good sign of a healthy pregnancy and think it may just be early symptom. but they're still not sure until the ultrasound. Cramping sucks and I feelblike it takes up 90% of my day. I'm worried :/ this is my first pregnancy. But I also am thinking positive! Its hard. We can just pray that all will be okay and its in gods hands. Stay strong!! I hope all goes well!
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