whats better c-section or natrual?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
And what's the difference afterward as far as your body going back too normal


  • Had mine naturally and was out shopping the same day no probs yet my sis had c section and had to stay in hospital for ages then couldn't drive for weeks. Is defo say natural. I think I'm kinda odd but I actually enjoyed labour x x
  • @ twin angel. Snap, I actually ran along the ward as couldn't wait to phone everyone. I took daughter shopping for little dresses about 4 hours after having her. Can't wait for this one... X
  • I had a c section with my first. With them your in hospital for at least 5 days and gives you time to bond with your baby alone :-D
  • @ twin angels, yeah left pretty much straight away. Labour was 45 mins, no pain relief and back out in no time. Much better than the 2 days with my first x seriously hope this is the same x x
  • I had an unplanned c-section with my first and was in the hospital for a few days afterward. I was up and walking around the day after she was born. I walked a lot and that helped with recovery. After about a week, I was back to my normal routine and didn't have any pain. I don't think one is better than the other, but sometimes you plan for a natural delivery but for some reason or another have to have a c-section. I'd just say to be prepared for either option.
  • Natural. Worth my first I came home and cleaned my house. My second I was ealing around, pooping, and taking a shower 20 mins after she was born. (i know tmi)
  • Natural. A c-section is surgery and I wouldn't want surgery unnecessarily. @ twin angel and @cheryl74 I loved labour as well gave me a fantastic feeling of pride and achievement.
  • I was released from the hospital about 36 hours after my c-section. I would have rather had a vaginal birth, but after 16 1/2 hours of labor I no longer had the option. I don't know of any doctor who just gives the option of having a c-section without some kind of complication involved.

    Showering after a c-section was incredibly painful for me. Hopefully I can have a vaginal birth this time.
  • edited February 2011
    @AND83 I think once you have a csection you can't have vaginal. bc when they make the incision it damages your uteran walls....
  • Ah, but you can. It's called a vbac :) I don't know if it's an option for me, but I definitely plan on finding out.
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