am i bloating or am i really showing?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 10 almost 11weeks and I look like I'm 4 months.. does anybody else have the same thing?


  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Don't worry, the preggo gas will kick in and all that bloating will disappear!
  • All depends on your body....unfortunately for me I have a short area so my ob told me at my 10 week u/s that baby was out of my pelvis.

  • I'm also 10 1/2 weeks. I don't look 4 months pregnant but my lower abdomen is hard and bulging a little. Nothing noticeable to anyone besides me and I've pointed it out to my bf. This is my second though so I know I'm gonna show earlier.
  • Ugh none of my jeans fit!! I just want the boating to go away (: lol
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