stretch marks/moisturizers

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I did some online research of castor oil and vitamin e oil... I'm going to the store today to buy some. I'm only a 7 weeks along but I figure if I start now I'll have a better chance at prevention.
Has anyone used castor oil? I read nothing short of amazing reviews of people using it alongside vitamin e.


  • It helps prevent stretch marks ???
  • I'm business the vitamin e oil i love it but I'm also taking the vitmin e pills i really don't want strech marks
  • My dr. said wether ur gunna get stretch marks or not is totally up to mother nature of ur body so to speak nothing prevents it
  • We will see about that lol having really healthy skin can prevent it that's all I'm doing is making my skin more healthy
  • Thats wat I meant its up to ur body and skin elasticity gl im 19 weeks and so far only stretch marks on my breasts but I got them when I first developed so no big surprise there
  • I dnt get them easily the only money i have area on my boobs to and i hot them when i hot my boobs lol I'm just taking extra good care of my skin just in case
  • Ones i have are on my blood to and i got them when i got*

    Stupid phone >:(
  • Boobs*

    I'm going to toss this phone
  • Lol thanks for clearing that up I was very confused
  • If i dnt pay attention to what it dose it inputs words and changes words drives me crazy
  • Mine will sometimes do the same thing
  • Stretch marks are partly genetics but also partly how you take care of skin. Its just like latex if it dries out it cracks. We may not be able to completely prevent stretch marks but we can definitely help reduce them.
    I know that drinking lots of water helps prevent them too, then its just keeping the moisture locked in that's why I was wondering if anyone used castor oil...
  • What if u had them b4 the pregnancy?
  • I only got 1 stretch mark with my first and that was right at the end of pregnancy. I used bio-oil and cocoa butter. I've done exactly the same this time but have already developed some small ones on my bump and I still have 15 weeks to go :(
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