How Much Weight Have u Gained?

edited January 2011 in First Trimester
Trying not to stress too much about weight but its depressing when things start to not fit and at my last Drs. Appt I learned I gained 15 pounds in the past 3 months but I'm only 10 weeks! I have been eating healthy and exercising reasonably but I just feel like I'm huge. This is my first, any one else gain a bunch in the 1st trimester and then slow down?


  • I didn't gain any weight till about 3 months & I've gained a little less than 30 so far. I'm 32 weeks. I eat fairly healthy & stayed as active as possible. Everybodys bodies go at their own pace tho.
  • Hunny, I went from 170 to 240 and I still have 2weeks left. I tried everything too. I switch from white to wheat break, whole to skim milk, cut out soda, if I drink juice its mostly water, cut my portions down.... everything you name it. Some women just gain weight more rapidly then others. I felt better when my mom told me with every pregnancy she gained about 80 with all her pregnancys then lost about 60 with in the first few months after birth. Talk with your mom, see what her weight gain was like. Every pregnancy is different so just try to stay healthy. Good luck =)
  • Bread not break
  • As long as the baby is healthy, weight shouldn't be an issue. =)
  • Good advice. I'm not stressing too much but it was a bit shocking when I stepped on the scale at the Drs. Office and she kept pushing those metal weights over and over, I just knew their scale was broke. I guess I worried about weight gain as well because I haven't told my colleagues yet that Im preggo (I did tell boss)
  • lol know the feeling when ur just starring at the scale as they push the weights. Don't worry mama. I am still very uncomfortable with my weight but its nothing I can't change after my baby gets here. I know I can't control it so I continue to eat healthy, its not about my body, its about hers and how she grows, ill be sexy again one day =P
  • I know that's right! Cheers to everyone being sexy mamas with baby and post!
  • *Of course we all are drinking juice LOL
  • Ill cheers to that! Haha, chocolate milk being my drink as of now.
  • Mmmm my fetus loves chocolate milk too!
  • With my son I gained 10 pounds in the second month and all together 57 pounds at the end of the pregnancy and only lost about half the weight with breastfeeding. This pregnancy is different...I lost 7 pounds and only gained back 4 pounds and I am 16 weeks.
  • I thouught that I was the only milk lover!
  • I've been losing weight so far and I'm 13 weeks I hope that I don't gain much
  • I'm not sure how much weight i've gained. Most of my clothes still fit, it's only my proper skinny jeans I can't wear. I did lose quite a bit of weight at the beginning of my pregnancy but i'm preparing myself for some rapid weight gain now as i'm almost 29 weeks pregnant lol.
  • I'm 16 weeks and I've gained 2 pounds. I'm alittle worried but my doctor says its fine. My first I gained 50 pounds and my second also. I was very tiny when I started out and ended up with a belly of stretch marks. They make me feel self conscious and I never want my shirt off. my son and daughter are 3 and 4. They don't seem to be going away yet. Any tips?
  • I don't crave milk at all, in fact I hate it. I just get heartburn & indigestion so bad at night, so I have to have a glass to help calm the acids. & as for your stretch marks, I use "lay it on thick" from bath & body works. I haven't gotten any stretch marks & the ones I had from pre-pregnancy.
  • Thanks.....ill try.
  • I meant to write it faded the pre-pregnancy ones. The lotion also smells really good lol.
  • 412mom ill have to try that lotion too! Good tip! I use coco butter concentrated, coco butter oil and coco butter body butter. Also say hydrated to keep elastisity up in ur skin. I'm also going to wrap my belly tight and breastfeed after birth. I heard that helps a ton. My girlfirend did it and her belly is one to be jealous over..I hope it works for me.
  • its a bit thicker than cocoa butter, but has the same scent. I use it religiously when I get out of the shower. I've seen that belly wrap thing on the tyra show! I wondered if it really worked. I'm definitely looking into it. The baby I due in march & I wanna be a hot mom by summer lol.
  • @412mommy I baught lay it on thick today and la la la loveeeeeee ittttt! Hopefuly I get some good results with it. Its so think it can be hard to squeeze out but it absorbs into my skin great and I don't need that much. Thank you so much! P.s I youtubed and researched a lot about the belly wrap....found great things but if ur gona buy id suggest amazon because most sites sell for 60 but u can get the same ones on amazon for 11.
  • I gained ten pounds right off with my first one. About 40 all together. But I was very small and my body needed the weight to support the baby. I lost all but 5 lbs after. Gained about the same with my second but again lost all but about 4 lbs. Everyone is different. Depends on your body type how your body suports the baby. All you can do is eat healthy. Worry about losing it after.
  • Week 29 and so far 21 lbs. I work out and eat well. I think ur body will gain what it needs to support baby
  • I have gained exactly 5 lbs every month my entire pregnancy. As long as your comfortable with your diet and your doctor thinks its fine, just enjoy not worrying about how much you weigh for once. Relax :)
  • 19 weeks and down 2 lbs.I eat right but worried
  • I gained 20lbs since my last period I'm 10wks also but at my apt today I lost 6 in the past three weeks
  • I gained about 14lbs in 4 months and the lady at wic was getting after me...telling me not to snack on anything in a bag. And that I need to watch it... I literally had tears in my eyes because before I got pregnant, I had lost over 100lbs and now that I'm not able to work out as hard and I'm not depriving myself from food, my weight is coming on dr hasn't said anything, but I have another wic apt soon and I'm scared to go
  • I'm 20 weeks and as of my last appointment, I had only gained 4 pounds
  • I am 8 weeks and have only gained 3.pounds
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