I'm hungry all the time even when I just finish eating. And most all the times I want to eat sweet things. Please can someone give me a tip to help me eating to much.
Protein fills u up. Try peanutbutter and crackers or veggys. Peanut butter also is very fatty so try stick to about a teaspoon with ur snack. Just trick ur appitite with good foods instead of carbs and junk.
Try to have lots of healthy things to just snack on. The more full you are the lighter your cravings will be. If I have to have some thing I'll do a sweet cereal with milk so I'm getting calcium and fiber with my sweets. Or a real ice cream. Not the fake gross stuff. But organic or a god brand. Milk cream n sugar. Again getting calcium with your treat. Just avoid the candy filed ones. honey roasted or lightly salted or flavored nuts are good. Again healthy with the the sweet salty. Veggie chips are a go od alternative to potatoe. I like to bake my own sweets when I can. Oatmeal cookies, berry pies. Stuff that I know what's in it! Hope this helps a little.
Lol I ment a good brand not God brand lol I use Bryers ice cream. Or stick a good yogurt in the freezer. Blending fruit with some milk and ice yogurt and honey for a good smoothy too. I also make my own whip cream. Use honey or light sugar. Peanut butter sandwiches with choc nuttella vs jam. I could go on and on! Lol
I'm alwats hungry, but can't seem to think of something good to eat. Also, I'm not a vegetarian, but not big on meat or chicken.. what else has great protein? And.. I don't naturally drink the recommended regular fluids daily, how can I start now that I'm pregnant?
I'm not a big meat eater either. Nous are great. Almonds especially. Eggs n dairy. I try to keep a bottle of water on me all the time. Try a splash of juice or lemon or what ever flavor you like.
@caroline8_r, I had the same problem. I found a 1l jug that I use to track my drinking. sip 1 after breakfast, 1 after lunch, and 1 after dinner. I also mix in some crystal light or low sugar juice because I don't like plain water much. It seems to help with not eating as much too since half of whats in my tummy is liquid I get full faster.
You are definately not alone. I eat and eat and eat, and I stop when I run out of things to eat. I'm like obsessed with grapefruit and bananas and Luna bars. But I can't keep myself away from food.
Oh my gosh me too all the time I try to eat lots of fruit because I too crave sweets and lots of crackers good luck I keep telling myself I'm not going to gain my usually55# this pregnancy but I'm thinking its not gonna happen my other two I don't remember being this hungry
As said in another post eggs and nuts have a ton of protein. Hard boil some eggs and that way u can do what ever with then at ur conveinece (I'm college edjucated but can't spell to save my life) you can eat them as is or throw a little mayo in with it and snack on a eggsalad sandwich. Make a trail mix with nuts, cerial, dried fruit, raisins thro in a couple chocolate chips for ur sweet tooth. But just know u can eat all the right foods and portines and still gain weight. I made all the 'healthy' switches like white to wheat bread, whole to skim milk, no soda, if juice its mostly water anyways, cut out bad carbs like a bagle in the morning with good carbs like oatmeal. I've tried EVERYTHING, I eat so much better then b4 I got prego. I'm 38/39 weeks and have gained 65 pounds. Funny thing is I threw my diet out the window last week and I only gained 1 pound yesterday at the dr's.....that's the least amount of weight iv gained my entire pregnancy. So in conclusionnnnn your body is going to do things ur going to try to provent but somethings you just can't avoid.