Yummmmmmy Cravings - No matter how much they might gross you out...

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Right now: Eating microwave pour over movie theater butter popcorn with Parmesan cheese sprinkled all over... like ALLLLLL over it.

Last pregnancy: Guacamole!!!

Pregnancy w/ youngest daughter: green olives or nachos from a delightful chain called Muchas Gracias

Pregnancy w/ son: Applebee's used to have Cheesy Bacon Tavern Chips and they were HEAVEN.

Pregnancy w/ oldest daughter: Crisscut seasoned fries @ Shari's restaurant w/ a dill pickle slice placed just right in the center of the fry, then dipped in honey mustard.

OMG... 3:15AM, soooooooooo hungry.


  • I'm only 7w 3d. LOL. Although, there is some question - which will be addressed at the doc this week - as to whether I may be further along and that wasn't really a period in March... o.O
  • edited April 2011
    First daughter was pepperoni & hard salami, cheese

    Second daughter was anything spicy (which is odd since I have ulcers & acid reflux, but I ate the heck out of it), cheese

    Third was cheesy mashed potatoes, smoothies, fruit, cheese

    Fourth was cheeseburgers, beef jerky, avocados, cheese

    Fifth (this one) is steak, steak & more steak, avocados (I cut one up, then just eat it, every single night), cheese

    All my kids I wanted cheese. I also love green olives, but i love those no matter what. Momma loves her extra dirty martinis ;) This is the first one I have ever HAD to have something though (like steak. Like 6 times a week. I never wanted steak before) although I have never craved anything weird, I have had real strong urges for steak now. Delish! This is also my first boy. I guess boys love their meat!
  • I <3 Avocados. You're my hero @MrsDelRae. My mom always told me they were too fattening, but truthfully, they were one of the BEST snacks while breastfeeding to help replenish :) Those and Peanut Butter!

    I wanna wake up in a couple hours to see more cravings posted so I can go try some more gross stuff ... LOL

    Nighty night!
  • Avocados have the 'good' fat in them :) good for hair, nails, skin& heart. I have even used overripe ones to make an at home hair&face mask. Eat them up! Sleep well. I am headed off to drooly land, had to wait for my munchkin to go back to sleep. Gotta love teething :/ I can't wait to see what others post.
  • I've been vegetarian for over 2 years but I also cannot stop craving steak. I made a promise when I found out we were pregnant that I would eat whatever the baby wanted so sometimes I cry when I eat it but steak is now a staple in my diet. BD just laughs when I cry & eat :(
  • @rockstar I have been vegetarian for 4-5 years and I crave mcdonalds cheesburgers like crazy! Lol but I could see myself crying and eating one
  • I am totally craving cucumbers with lemon juice and salt. It's heavenly. LOL.
    With my first son, it was cherries. Second son, milk and cookies and cream hersey's. And my third son, it was spring mix with cheese, bacon, cherry tomatoes and ranch. Damn the cravings.
  • At the beginning in was banana peppers on everything.. halfway it was ice cream with rice noodles and now its cold cereal on everything lol cereal with applesauce, yogurt, OJ, jello ... yum
  • I ate scrambled eggs with a1 sauce. I think it gave me a tummy ache, but the first 3 bites were really good!
  • @rockstar Omg I love red meat too and it had been going on 8 years for me since any meat... lol and my hubby does the same thing when I eat it :) it's rough isn't it...
  • Last preg I don't remember any cravings. This one is sweets & apples. Also A-1 sauce on meats. Yummy. I want some A-1 now that I said it!
  • Cottage cheese and potato chips...not mixed together but alternating bites...kinda icky but I can't help it! Oh! And it has to be cheerios and cold milk for breakfast...has to be!
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