Advice please



  • Yeah keep the fluid. And rotate the medicine. Get some baby motrin and give her that with the tylenol. Its safe and it will help keep the fever down
  • We've been giving her both.
  • My daughter had fever seizures...whoever said rotate motrin and tylenol every 4hrs had it will kick fever right in the booty! When we had our daughter in the hospital for her seizure that is what they did...hope it helps! Nothing worse than a sick lil pumpkin
  • If you call the doc's office they'll probably get a message to the on call doctor and they can helpful. They'll ask how many times has she gone pee, etc. I don't know how many or how long in between she should be going, but that would be an indicator of when you'd need to bring her back to the hospital.
  • Do the bath thing that jwiggs said also

    :( hard
  • She's sleeping and sleep seems to help so I'll just let her sleep and see what happens
  • Im so mad at the er docs!!!
  • Fever seizures are very scary. We had a little boy almost a year old at work have a seizure because of a fever. The parents didn't get how severe it can be. Another teacher saw them at the hospital and they said they wouldn't have called an ambulance for that. They thought we had over reacted! Over a threat of brain damage!
  • Oh good! I would get her up in time to take more meds to get her through the night
  • I'll wake her up soon.
  • When my daughter was 2 she had a fever I couldn't bring 102 and the hospital was like, either she has pneumonia or a UTI. so they wanted to take chest xrays and give her a catheter to check for uti. I begged them to do xray first, but they wouldn't and they did the catheter on my 2yr old baby for nutthin bc she ended up having pneumonia. Imagine how pissed I was. It was sooo awful!!! I cried. It took 3 nurses to do the catheter. Er docs blow
  • I hate Er doctors they only make things worse. That's why I'm going to school to be a pediatrician.
  • That's awesome! Good for you :D
  • Thank-you
  • We learned to take the kids to the childrens hospital er instead of the regular er bc the regular er sends you packing unless you carry in a seizing's sad
  • I think I'll try that next time.
  • Hows the babe? Is she feeling better? :)
  • She's feeling a little better. She at least eats. But her fever keeps coming bad. Thank-you for checking on her :)
  • I'm happy she's doing better!! 2 days of fever..ughh..poor lil munchkin!!
    Have a good night! :)
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