Out of town and out of my medicine!

edited February 2011 in Health
I have a prescription I take fornausea and I am out of it and now I'm really sick out of town for work any advice?


  • If you have refills, you can usually call the pharmacy and have them transfer it to another. Is it at CVS or another chain pharmacy?
  • Its meducap the nearest one is about a yhour away... I heard unisom tablets help with it do you think that will work
  • U can buy b6 and unisom tablets take the b6 as directed on the bottle then take tge unisom at night thats wat my doc told me too do and it works
  • Idk I don't have nausea :(
    you should be able to call your docs office and the oncall doc will call you since youre prego so you don't take anything you shouldn't. Good luck! Sorry I couldn't be of more help :/
  • ^^^^perfect! Lol there's your answer :D
  • Thanks ladies luckily my boyfriend and I work together and he is headed out now for some! I think it might be because I'm constipated also its just a big miserable mess and I'm done with work trips after.this :)
  • Unisom or benedryl!!!!! They work wonders when I run out of my meds (I get sick with my migraines... that have only gotten worse with pregnancy...lol)
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