3 lbs 4 oz??

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
That's what the doc guessed her weight at. Im 29 weeks tomorrow. Is that big for being this far along or normal? I know there guesses aren't always spot on. I just don't want a giant baby lol. I was 9 lbs 6 oz when I was worn and my mom never fails to remind me ha


  • I don't want a big baby either! My sister was 11 lbs 6.5 oz do I'm hoping it doesn't run in the family.:) good luck
  • I am almost 29 weeks also and had an ultrasound with measurments done today and they said my baby was 2 lbs 13 oz and 15 inches long so it seems your baby is a little larger but not a lot. If that helps.
  • edited April 2011
    @ourfirst1 :O oh my!!!! I just have so many cute tiny baby clothes already. I don't want her to not fit in them already. although then well have something in common Haha. Thanks :)

    @due71011 it does help lol. I called it on her being a chubber let's see if im right
  • I'm almost 31weeks. It's seems right on target with what my doc also presumed. Idk how they guess ounces tho!
  • It's ok at that far along my daughter was 3 pounds 10 ounces she came out 6 lb 10 ounces. Everyone thought she wuld be big to.
  • @Jaime77 I thought guessing oz seemed odd too!! But ill blame those extra 4 oz of weight gain on the baby :p
  • LOL or the big mac I just scarffed down
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  • Well I feel better now :) thanks ladies. Lol.
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