holy crap!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Omg! !! Did that HURT!! I just took my bra off to put on jammies and I've never had my boobs hurt soooo bad in either pregnancy.
anyone else get that bad ever?
Like seriously still grimacing!! :O


  • Mine is worse than my first pregnancy. I dread putting one on or taking it off for that matter. I've found that heating pad helps a little.
  • Ughh...feels like I was removing a bandage after plastic surgery :( ouch!!! Much worse this time around. My nipples are very sore lately. At first it was in my breast. Does the soreness last the whole pregnancy
  • Mine are sore too and if i touch my nipples their hot/ warm.. is that.normal? Even over my blouse....
  • A basic sports bra is pretty comfy. Support without hiking the girls ip to your chin.
  • I'm like a 38Dd before this, so sports bras don't work for me :( they're too big around the band bc that's not as big lol
    I saw something called the ahh bra on tv, similar to a sports bra but fitted more like a bra. Its looking pretty good :)
    @Betty I think mine are hot too. Its all the stretching
  • Ok.. i wasnt sure what was going on with d sisters!! Thanx katlilly
  • I was a 36D. but I'm starting to popping over my cups so it looks like I have 4 boobs. Gotta go buy a couple bras next pay day.
  • @Betty also our body temps go up while prego so that could also be it :)
  • @jwigs ah!! The quad boob!! Gotta love it! Not!! I need new bras too. I HATE bra shopping ...especially with these damn sore boobs
  • Ya, mine hurt All the time ! And they have gotten so big, I have to sleep in a bra also! I got some over night nursing style bras. They are just a soft t shirt like cotton, with a stretch band. Kinda like a halter top but the material kinda crosses in front for easy access, and comfy fit. There are also nursing tanks or camies, that have extra support with a hole cut out for nursing lol they are both comfey, and I prefer them to big clunky bras! ! And you can still use then when baby comes.
  • Omg mine hurt super bad with the pregnancy.
  • I wonder why it hurts more w second pregnancy. It seems to be the consensus
  • maybe its because they been threw it before. I'm glad I caught my comment everyone else must think im really crazy not just pregnant lmao!
  • Lol it was funny ;)
  • You think its bad I'm on number 5 and omg never again.
  • So happy I am not alone on this! I was a 34 A now after getting resized I found out I hit a C!!!! I cried.have not stopped since. No wonder my husband keeps trying to touch them.
  • @katlilly honey! I feel u, i try not taking it off cause its so painfull
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