so i was at work and omylanta... (kinda long)

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I was about to punch this lady in face! I'm a very passive aggressive person so I don't even like to argue even if I'm really angry and I was ringing this oldish caucasian lady up and everything was going well UNTIL she decided to say.... "wow your like the first Hispanic 16 year old I see that isn't prenant :D good for you!" The fluff?! I was sooo angry and I stared at her and said "I'm sorry mam I'm 20 years old I'm only partly Hispanic and I am pregnant!" I really wanted to say stfluffu and get out of my freaking store but my manager did when the lady said wow I was mistaken all you Hispanics are the same... I seriously almost punched her in the face I was sooo close to doing it my goodness people!


  • WOwwwww ignorant rude people! I would have dropped my jaw and said, oh I'm sorrry, your like the first old woman that needs to have her drivers license taken away!
  • :O that is soooo not cool! I'm just waiting for that "Ew, look at that knocked up junkie" comment. I'm 19, got facial piercings, dress punk rock, and I have a mohawk. No track marks here, thanks!
  • oh wow the first words that would have came out of my mouth would have been look bitch ...... people just ignorant as hell! My manager would have had to suspend me. Because she was way out of line. You should have said you're just like the rest of your people probably 50 but skin so bad and rinkly you look 100
  • @TandTsbb seriously! Ugh! I was so frustrated my heart.started freaking out *I have heart problems* so that was no bueno my manager sent me on a break :( I was so upset
  • @victoriaB I hate how some people just automatically start judging xc so not cool!

    @Mommie_McAtee my manager is hispanic and got really offended so she had to hold her tongue we were both so angry xc
  • For the love of... I don't even... *headdesk* Man! White people make me so angry sometimes! My daughter is 1/4 but very obviously hispanic, if anyone ever said that to her I would probably destroy them lol. I'm sorry you had to deal with such an ignorant old bat =(
  • Blegh. I hate racists. I have to admit, I did ask my black friend, Oben, if he liked fried chicken. He doesn't, but I just had to know lol. That being said, I'd never say anything like what that nasty old lady said to you, not even a friend! Maybe the old bat has dementia!
  • @HappyWifeyMommy I myself am part "white" so it bothers me soooo much when old ladies like that look down on me when we're probably from the same country xc ugh! My mom wanted to go look at the video to see if she could find her licence plates lol and find her xp
  • Wow...I don't blame u for getting angry. People these days are freaking stupid
  • edited April 2011
    @VictoriaB Bahahahaha lol sorry I just think that's funny :) I mean that was like humorous as oppose to racist xc some people these days they're just sad

    @kayleigh27 seriously like they think its ok to say comments like that? Even if I wasn't pregnant it would still bother me not as much but it was just rude Idk if she expected me to smile back and be like yea I know right? -_____-
  • she just forgot it's 2011 and ass whoopins are handed out for disrespect. she just needed a slap to the back of the head. Lol
  • There aren't many black people in my area. Most of them are either mostly white or African. Oben is from Ghana. But I hear all these black people stereotypes like how they like fried chicken (cuz its delicious, duh!) or how they apparently talk loud in movie theatres. I've seen lots of people of all colors eat fried chicken and the loudest people in movie theatres are white teenage girls.
  • I personally love any kind of chicken baked fried grilled boiled microwaved rotisery seared lol all kinds. And I'm the one telling the loud person in the movies to shut the hell up before I get security
  • @VictoriaB lmbo soo true! And I absolutely looooooove fried chicken more than any other type of chicken Haha so I think its silly that its a stereotype....
    @Mommie_McAtee lol I would've given her a little more than a smack at the back of the head lol! Haha your other comment is funny :)
  • I'm 100% hispanic. Ugh I'm angry just reading this. If I was told that I would be without a job and waiting for my boyfriend to bail me out of jail.

    Oh and I love love fried chicken:)
  • edited April 2011
    @mama_c0911 lmbo! Well I'm glad she said it to me then lol cause you in jail would be no bueno xc but I really was about to punch her I can't stand disrespect I think she saw the anger in my eyes lol cause she backed away as soon as I glared at her xp
  • I would of told her off. I'm half mexican andd this offendedd me.:'( stupid old haggg ughh
  • Tell me about it!!!! I'm basically half too and it just really upset me I'm still thinking about it xc
  • Yuppp ughhhh
  • I'm upset for you. I'm not hispanic but black white n native American and I'm mistaken for Puerto rican all the time. A lady at the day care where I work came to pick up her grandson and had the nerve to actually say"I don't know why your culture condones you little girls getting pregnant before you've even been to prom". I informed her its not just black ppl who have kids young and furthermore I'm 22 and married. And this fool didn't even have the sense to apologize correctly, she said "oh I'm sorry I thought you were a Mexican." I called her a bitch and walked away. My supervisor was less than pleased but she understood and I didn't get in trouble. But is wrong with ppl?! So if I was Mexican it would be ok for you to make ignorant racist comments? I was surprised that this kinda thing still happens but I see from this post it does and I'm so sad that one day my baby will have to experience this nonsense. And I hate fried chicken :p
  • edited April 2011
    @twinkiesmom woooooow seriously? Ugh people just make me soooo angry! How rude! I'm from oc ca and there's a lot of snooty people but I have never encountered such disrespect before xc and I don't understand how someone could not like fried chicken :O lol Jk ;)
  • Wow that is sad...had I been behind her, I would have had a few words to say to her for you...

    I'm white and I LOVE fried chicken...I prefer it to be boneless...that way I can eat more ^_^

    I don't see how someone can dislike fried chicken either lol :-P
  • I was disgusted. How would these women feel if we made these generalizations about them? It makes me so mad. But after a lifetime of fried chicken, and now being pregnant, just the thought of fried chicken is yucky. [-X
  • @Rebekahs_Mommy she's lucky there was nobody behind her cause generally Hispanics shop there I'm sure if anyone else would've heard her she probably wouldnt make it to her car lol...

    Haha Omgosh me tooo! Lol that stuff is just amazing lol

    @twinkiesmom ok well at least there was a point in your life where you liked it that's not tooo bad lol ;) a lot more acceptable Haha :p
  • Now I want some fried chicken LOL

    Hmmm where to get fried chicken at 3am... :/ :-D
  • Lol me too! But I really want a banana cream shake I saw someone was eating one earlier today and ever since I've been craving it xc .... hold up! It's 3am where your from? Why are you still up sweetie?
  • @charliebby1116 lol yeah at one point I liked but we had fried chicken 4 days out the week so now I'm like, I'm gonna try all the food I missed out on. I'm LOVIN Italian food. Ziti spaghetti lasagna... now I'm hungry.
  • @twinkiesmom ok yea that makes sense! Is be annoyed of it too xc and Italian is my favorite type of food! I seriously love it! But since I've been prego its been a big no no xc
  • Heartburn? Mine is horrible. And now I'm on iron pills so I can't take antacids. But I would give my right hand to eat sum baked ziti without my digestive tract being on fire. All Italian food is so good. I could eat that 4 days a week no prob :X
  • Awe man I can't wait to enjoy food again :) and yea heartburn plus constant nausea xc I'm seriously miserable.
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