so i was at work and omylanta... (kinda long)



  • I love how this convo made me smile in the end with fried chicken... I love all types of chicken!! Its all gravy!!
  • @hays_baby lmbo I know right? So random but it did get my mind off of it :) Hehe
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  • edited April 2011
    @charliebby1116 cause I'm on here lol I work untill 11pm and usually go to bed around 1:30 or so...but when I get on here (not very often thank goodness or i'd get no sleep) its usually around 4am...which sucks right now cause I needed to get up tomorrow and get stuff done lol

    Oh and I live in the tampabay area in florida

    I saw a post earlier about sunflower seeds helping one girl/lady with her nausea and heartburn...and I'm gonna try that tomorrow...well in about 5 hours lol

    Ok ok I'm off to sleep now good night (:|
  • @richjen24 oh thank you! I'm going to try it hopefully it works I'm tired of feeling this way xc

    @Rebekahs_Mommy really? Oh goodness! Well I mean I have a bad sleep schedule so I don't sleep till about 3 everyday and wake up by force around 1pm lol
    Oh I'm cali so its still only 1 over here :)

    Thanks! I'll definitely try it!
    Kk Gn!
  • @charliebby1116 I hate disrespect too. How can someone be so rude to ppl they dont even know. Its just sad.
  • @mama_c0911 seriously I just don't get it xc
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