Is it possible to tell the sex at 17 weeks?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I have a doctor appointment today and I was reading and depending on the website or book some say that you can find out the sex at 17 and others just talk about being 20 weeks. So I was wondering have any of you learned the sex as early as 17 weeks?


  • You can tell the sex as early as 14 weeks but most Dr wait til you're 20 week to do the gender ultrasound because its more accurate at that time and they do all you're mid pregnancy measurements.
  • I found out at 16 weeks with 2 of my 3 and it was accurate and obvious :) good luck!!!
  • Yup, totally reasonable to find out the sex at 17 weeks if you are having an ultrasound. Parts are pretty obvious by then as long as your babe isn't in an uncooperative position.
  • Oh my word you guys made my day! I won't get too excited but now I have hope lol thank you!!
  • Yes ma'am thts wen i hve my 1st 3d for gender us 17wks so u mite get lucky & get to go shopping!!!
  • @supermom405 That would be so awesome!!! My husband wants a boy so bad and both our mothers want a girl lol I just want a healthy baby! But I want to know!
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  • Yes, I'm 17 weeks and just found out yesterday!
  • @Preggers Im excited for u!!! I knt wait either & jus the same i jus wnt my baby to be healthy my hubby wants a boy too & everybody else wanrs a boy except ny sister she wants me to b on team pink lol
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  • I'm 17 weeks and I'm having a boy :)
  • @supermom405 isn't it funny how people want a certain sex so much. You would think it was their baby lol. I don't want to disappoint anyone. Wish I could just have twins a boy and a girl then everyone would be happy except me cuz I wouldn't be getting any sleep haha when is your ultra sound? I'm excited for you too its such an awesome time
  • Yes, i found out at 16 weeks!!
  • @Preggers lol yea everyone would b happy bt u sounds good til its time to feed & diaper 2 babies & i have mines May 26th it seems soo klose bt soo far at the same time ths is an awesome time i really knt wait to start shopping everytime i go to babies r us i wanna grab stuff lol
  • @supermom405 Me too!! And gosh my cousin keeps buying net baby clothes for a girl!!! I'm like umm Jewelie I don't even know what I'm having yet. But she insists its a girl lol and I know what you mean it feels so far away but in reality you know its only a few weeks away. Do you think it would be rude to ask my doctor for an ultra sound today at my appointment? I really want to know lol
  • @Preggers Lol no bcus i was gonna see if i kud get a sneek peek @ my appt on Monday lol i just knt wait & so did my sis she bought a pair of pink & white booties & i saud wat are u gonna do if it's a boy & she said nothin bcus its a girl lol
  • I found out at 15+6 weeks that i was having a boy and had it confirmed at 22 weeks. I still didn't buy anything boyish until I confirmed because I could still be too early. what they think is boy parts could actually be swollen girl parts and vise versa. I would wait just because the anxiety with wondering if it is a boy or girl after they tell you so early is a killer. Good luck though
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  • @supermom405 cool I think I'm going to ask then. And yeah I had to practically yell at my cousin to stop buying girl things. But every time I see her she had something else she bought for me. Have you thought about how to decorate the baby's room? If its a boy I want to do
    Dinosaurs and if its a girl I want to do zoo animals. No pink for my little girl lol I was never a girlie girl so hopefully if I have a girl she won't be in love with link lol
  • Lol @Preggers yes i fell in love with the Monkey'n Around theme so boy or girl it's gonna be tht i like neutral kolors tht kreme beige & white with the soft green its very kute & goes with the karpet in the room we picked for the nursery i personally dnt like pink eitha my fav kolors r purple black & silver. My original theme was boston celtics lol bt my hubby is a thunder fan so tht was a no i like the dinosaurs too
  • @supermom405 Awww monkeys are cute! If I were going to do the room a sports theme it would be Dodgers! I love baseball! I played softball like my whole life! And my dad always would take me to Dodger games so those are some awesome memories. Lol but my husband doesn't like sports so it wouldn't fly.
  • @preggers- I sure hope so, I scheduled my 3d/4d gender u/s appt for next mth and I'll be 17 weeks.
  • @Preggers I've only been tob1 baseball gane & it was a red sox game my dad took me it was fun i tried softball bt turns out i sucked lol so i took to basketball & loved it :)
  • I found out at 17 weeks with a regular ultrasound
  • Ughh lucky! They absolutely wont even let me schedule mine till 20 weeks a little less than 4 weeks to go! So anxious to finally find out! Me and my fiance both want a girl but have a feeling its a boy!
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  • Found out at 14 weeks. Good luck!
  • Well they didn't do an ultra sound =( but I have one scheduled for May 13th
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