shaving pisses me off!!! tmi...sorry

edited April 2011 in Third Trimester
so im at the point now that i cant see my feet...let alone shave my soo annoyed this is like a pet peeve of always on top of it but at this point it just annoys me... i try to do it but just miss spots everywhere. bd says he will do it but i dont want him nipping me everywhere!


  • Lol I am there as well. It's annoying 1of the bad things being pregnant
  • lol, i feel the same way.. it helps if you do it in front of a mirror :)
  • Lol .... I'm not that big me and my bd talk about it... and he said he want help me lol I bet he will ... girl if he willing let him help ill lay back and let him go to work Lmao
  • Grl im 31 week n i have inly shave a couple of time last tine was 3 days ago i was in that shower for like 3 hours...i think thats goin to b the last time..ill make my husban doit next time lol.... :">
  • i have an appointment in the morning...hope my midwife doesnt see the spots ive embarasing [-O<
  • my bd wants to help but hes just soo clumbsy...i would flip out if he cuts me
  • Lol my bd got one of the electric razors that guys use for their face and me my own so he can do it for me its a lot easier... there not that expensive if that helps.=)
  • he is gona start doing it for me.. its so uncomfortable for me so it will make him helpful.. he has done it before so I dont mind him doing it for me now :)
  • I can't shave dwn there either with out missing a spot lol but a mirror does help bit tends to fog up in the shower lol
  • edited April 2011
    But I won't let my bd do it I'm too afraid tht he might cut me nd plus I only have a wk left lol yay!!!
  • I tried the electric razors but it is not near as soft feels like sand paper.
  • My bd actually does a really good job haha. I was nervous at first though.
  • U ladies ever thght about treating urself 2 a brazilian wax job...I luv it...I go every 6 wks & its so much smoother than shaving. Jus some food 4 thght.
  • And hurts like hell
  • @2lildivaz1prince I've always wanted one lol but afraid it was gonna hurt but after I have the bby I'm definitely gonna get one... I jst didn't know if it was safe to do it while preggo
  • Squat while in the shower hun!!! It helps your reach tremendously! Never failed me with my first and I had her at 41 weeks 1 days and im now 33 weeks 4 days with #2 and no problems :)
  • 36 weeks and I quit even trying to shave down there...first time in my life I have ever had pubic hair but I really don't care I have more important things besides that to get done before she arrives and my boyfriend is very understanding so I will worry about it after baby arrives
  • LADIES Noxzema has these Bikini Shavers I bought at wal mart to try and they have a guard in them so you wont nik yourself, I tried it first before leting my husband do it and they work GREAT!! Try em and let me know how they work for you. Here is the web site to check em out
  • LOL @ you ladies. My Hubby actually shaved me with my 1st. hopefully he'll do it with this one, unless he wants to see it...hahahah TMI!
  • @Pregomari ... I shaved last night (by touch) and was laughing to myself about your post while in the shower!

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