do hospitals provide you with extras?

edited April 2011 in Just for Fun
Like pampers and formula


  • Are you delivering in Canada or the US hun?
  • Yes. They supply the diapers, wipes, pads, formula, burp rags, booger suckers, shampoo, baby wash, and you get to bring it ALL home with you when you leave :)
  • (Im in Canada and they give you a little caddy full of things to use...the trick is to keep emptying it in your bag to take home and they'll keep stocking it haha )
  • edited April 2011
    Some do but its not a lot I say maybe 6-8 2oz bottles of the already made bottles nd maybe 10 diapers wipes..well thts at least where I'm from nd my hospital gives US a car seat nd bathing supplies nd a comb nd brush bugger sucker lol not much but it helps oh nd they give me a bag of supplies for myself which has wipes pads nd the water squirter thing for ur vajayjay..
  • Yes I can take it all at most hospitals
  • @mountainmomma I'm in Canada!! Thanks for the tip!! What kind of stuff do they give you?
  • But its true if u put them away in ur own bag they jst keep stocking u up lol
  • Diapers, wipes, a thermometer, a soother if you want one, usually diaper Cream, they put a little hat on them when they're born, a receiving blanket or two if your sneaky Haha oh and if you feel bad while stocking up remember that they throw away anything you don't take with you :-) Focus on the diapers, they are the most useful haha
  • Lol thanks mommas and I'm in US I will just keep emptying it in my bag :D
  • Lol, we're such criminals!!!'s not bad though cuz they get those things in large orders all the time's not like they're gonna miss a receiving blanket or two when they have 100 more in the supply closet....and they can't *really* monitor how much the little one poos, especially if the shift changes (perfect time to stash diapers, ladies!!!).....i'm just sayin', lol :D
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  • Our blankets are stamped in huge letters: property of US Government theft or destruction can result in federal prosecution.
    Well was at our last base anyway. So makes me a lil iffy about acquiring anything, blankets atleast
  • edited April 2011
    Lol @cetheridge yea I would jst leave the blanket lol
    @mountainmomma so true they throw away everything we leave behind so definitely dnt feel bad takin the stuff cause its jst a waist of money they throwing away nd it saves u a lil money takin it lol I' excited to pack my bag up lol I sound like a thief but they are jst gonna toss it so y not toss it in my bag?! Lol
  • Hmmm, I never took anything of the items sitting around, just the "gifts" which were the usual stuff from Similac or Enfamil. I'll see what I can take this time around!
  • My hospital gave me enough formula, diapers, wipes, and baby bath items to last a month.
  • And you are not taking anything that you will not be paying for any how. Just wait till the hospital bill comes. So take it all you will get charged either way.
  • edited April 2011
    Totally agree @traci84lucas with my son I didn't k ow much about takin the diapers nd stuff til my sis visit me the day before I discharged nd she was like make sure u take the diapers nd bottles I was like Wht?!! No!!! Lol she said y not ur paying for it nd they jst toss it...I felt weird about it but she packed it all up nd sent it home with my bro lol nd they jst restocked it...but I felt guilty til the bill came nd now I'm like Omg I shouldve took more diapers lol
  • Lol I know its crazy how much it cost just to give birth. I'm taking the nurses a little goody bag so.hopefully that gets them on my good side lol and they give me extras because I won't be able to leave the house after my c section :)
  • @felicia89 lol I'm so taking them goody bags!
  • @alana lol I am too just in case breastfeeding don't work out
  • @felicia89 lol now just have to figure out wat to put in them
  • With my son I took as many things of diapers, I would change him like twice then when the nurse came in at shift change be like I am sorry I ran out, knowing I had almost a full bag . I did the same for the formula and wipes and everything else. Ill prolly do the same things this time. It really helps out
  • Im from canada n all I got was soother a few ready made bottles comb and vasaline
  • I'm glad to know my mom isn't the only one lol
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