Anyone Wanna be texting buddies so we can keep each other company?

edited April 2011 in Just for Fun
I'm 19
My baby is due aug 7th
I lost a lot of friends due to keeping my baby
& I'm very mature for my age I'm just a lil lonely and bored and would like someone to talk to about my pregnancy =] if you wanna talk let me know..


  • I wouldn't mind one bit. =) I have unlimited least for verizon. What carrier are you?
  • @Viviya Verizon all the way I love them there the best phone company =]
  • I wouldn't mind where yu guys from
  • Awww i have at&t
  • @MommieTwice I'm from I'LL you?
  • Awesome! 8) I'll send you a PM with my number then. @MommieTwice I'm from VA. I think I might have a 150 text limit for non-Verizon every month... ^^;;;
  • il. Sorry stupid smart phone
  • I'm from Mississippi :) I have Cellular South unlimited.
  • Aww really i have unlimited but wuld still love ta text. I live n Pittsburgh ladies. Just turned 21. Have a lil boy whose 3 nd a lil girl who is due june 8th:)
  • edited April 2011
    wat part of MS, if yu dnt mind?
  • There's aim chat. Its free if you dont have unlimited text. @mommietwice I'm from the other side of Pa. I already have a little girl and am expecting a little boy June 9th.
  • I wouldnt mind being a textin buddy lol, even tho I have my fam it still gets a lil lonely cuz no one knows what ur goin thru at the time
  • :( I wana prego txt buddy.Im 22y.o an prego wit my 2nd an i live n Louisville ky i hav unlimited txt P.M me if u wana txt
  • @Beautiful_Altar I use Meebo Mobile on my Droid, and I think I still have a working AIM name. Maybe we should start swapping IM screen names instead of numbers? After all, if we don't have smartphones, we all hop on the computer a lot, right?
  • I use my phone a lot but i have aim on it. Mine is oreopeanut.
  • I'm new on here so don't laugh cause idk how to work this lol I downloaded this on my phone and haven't quite got the hang of it...I would love to txt...I'm 22 and pregnant with my 1st child and I live in alabama. My computer is busted thanks to the babys father so I can't get on it :( so msg me if u would like a txting buddy
  • I wouldn't mind texting. I have unlimited with t-mobile. I'm 19 with my first due Oct. 22nd :)
  • Im here for anyone too! I got unltd text with T-Mobile from S.Fla
  • @mommy2be92 ur due on my birthday! 21st bday actually :) and I love texting and its nice to talk to others not around my area
  • @Beautiful_Altar Mine should be angelikyte. I just logged on and it still works. 8)
  • I'll text yall! :) I'm due Aug 5th with a little girl. I have ATT.
    803-719-2879 I'm Jordan.
  • Facebook is always good too
  • edited April 2011
    No one knows I'm prego on fb. Lol. Only family knows and not sure when to tell my fb friends. I'm Vanessa, you ladies can send me a private message with your number. I don't have any friends to really talk about what I'm going through bc they don't know I'm prego. So a buddy would be nice :)
  • Message me if yu wanna textin buddy ladies.

    @beautiful_altar ur close

  • I wouldn't mind a buddy! I'm 24 expecting my first Oct 13. Find out tomorrow what we are having!
  • Anyone ever heard of live profile.i mite b easier to dowload on ur phone instead of using text messages in case not everyone have unlimited text...just askin
  • I have unlimited for I. Wouldn't mind being you text buddy I don't have friends either they all left when I. Got pregnant with my first and my second is due july 27 th
  • @kamiyasmon I'm in ky to ! Not in Louisville tho.
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  • Heyy ppl, im krystal amd im prego with my first son (due 5.5.11).....i have unlimited txt with verizon, im from boston....just turned 20 this week :) 6174481485 you can also find me via facebook: krystal zuzubearsmommy runkis :) i have the chat app, so you can msg me anytime, even from your computers ladies :) happy txting :D
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