Need baby girl names please!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I need some uncommon but not to crazt baby girl names, maybe some thing with a cute nickname....any ideas? Any and all will be helpful! Middle name will be Bonnie :)


  • I love the name Florence. And florrie, flo or flos for short x
  • That is a nice name! Its my aunts name though! Haha what are the chances!
  • We were gona name this 1 julissa... But he's a boy:)
  • My friend named her daughter elliana and we call her ella or elli :) i love the name but obviously cant use it LOL
  • We named our daughter Amethyst and love it!
  • @nikki2690 that is so weird that you said that. My husband has been begging for the name Alana, but I just.know so many alana's, its.starting to rub off on me but I wanted it a lil different, Ellaina seems perfect, do people mis-pronounce it often? And ellie is such a cute nickname!
  • No not really thats so funny you asked at her baby shower we wrote down the name on a piece of paper & had people say it to see if they could've pronounce it & everyone did just fine. She was worried about people not knowing how to say it to
  • Oh awesome! We arent telling anyone the names we pick (we wont know if its boy or girl till birth), so I cant run it by anyone except strangers hahaha
    Im running it by him now, fingers crossed! Lol thank you so much!
  • LOL well hopefully he likes it!! When are you due?
  • I know right! im due july 22
  • Do you have a middle name or a boy name picked out?
  • Middle name will be Bonnie after my grandmother, and boy name were still yossing a few around, we always liked caeden but theres so many "aiden" names now days...we also like Raelen for a boy its so hard to make a decision I always keep looking!
  • I have names picked out & Im not even preggo.. well hopefully i am just not confirmed! LOL there are so many cute names its so hard to decide!
  • Haha im so bad at decision making and having all this time is only making it worse, we probably wont decide till we hold our baby! Goodluck to you!!
  • If I was having a lil girl I was goin to name her either Chloe Grace Anna Grace or Kylee Grace lol hope this helps :)
  • @Laurenmarie729I......Isabelle is cute, you could call her bell, Bella, or izzy. Or liberty, can call her libby. Or Addison, can call her addi. There's a few for ya
  • Have you tried looking through the list of names this app provides? There are lots!
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