Baby Daddy

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
My husband is so mad that we are having another baby. He never wanted kids when we got married but thought he would change his mind. So I didn't tell him I was trying to get pregnant and now he thinks I betrayed him...even though he loves my 2 1/2 year old son to pieces and would do anything for him. Now his thinks his life is over. I want to know has anyone else been in the same situation?


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  • Yes my bd is like terrified of having a kid even tho my situation right now is bad with him, but i think all men are different some are happy to havee kids n then othrs think there life will end but it wont, i think there just scared knowing that they have created a life n dont know if theyll be a good dad, but congrats on ur baby :) and i kno probably hell come around to even loving it just let it kick in
  • My husband and I planned our first son. We were both very happy. Things got worse after he was born and we would fight constantly. Things started getting better and then I got pregnant again with our second son unexpectedly. The fighting resumed and I felt like it was a big mistake to add another person to the fighting. This baby got diagnosed with a small tumor on his lung which scared us both to death. This brought us closer than ever. I think your baby daddy will realize another life is a happy time and come around. Good luck. I know we need it.
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  • He will come around to the baby but there might be somethin that will always be there in his heart if he can ever trust you bc u did it without him knoing he will be mad for quite some tome but who knos he might just forgive u when the babys here but u shouldn't trick somone into havein a baby not tryin to be mean but I do hope he does get better for both u and the baby its to late ur prego so he needs to grow up and take care of his responsibility
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  • If he didn't want kids and made that very clear..y would u try to trap him?
  • Wow, I really don't want to be mean or hurt your feelings, but that's terribly selfish. Every person should be able to trust their partners, especially when it come to life altering decisions. I would not be able to forgive something like that.

    My husband went through a similar situation with his ex and we still deal with the repercussions of HER decision to have children when neither of them were prepared, in an effort to hold onto him. That's not to say he won't love his child, but his relationship with you will be tarnished forever.

    I wish you the best, I really do. I hope that you two can work things out for the sake of your children.
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