how should i break it to her ?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I would say I have old fashion parents who do not believe in dating outside my own ethnics, I've been secretively dating a man I'd a different race for about a year now, and I just found out I'm expecting, how am o going to break it to my mom ?


  • Your mom will always be your mom. She will always love you regardless. Sit her down, tell her what you like about him. Slowly break it to her and let her know you didn't intentionally try to upset or hurt her. Remind her you love her and let her know you are exspecting and that you hope she stands by your side through this tuff but special time (: Good luck!
  • @MircaleM2B well said! i agree with ^^^ its the best way to do it good luck hun
  • I live in southern MS. And between all these southern Baptists and old school parents.. its VERY common for mixing races to be frowned upon..(Even my own parents!) But, every single friend I have that has dated someone outside of their race was accepted by their families!!!! Your mom wants you to be respected and LOVED. If he gives you those 2 things your mom will come around!!! Just give her time to be mad..(she will be @ first.) And don't give up on her.
  • Mixed babies are beautiful and (in my experience) super healthy babies too. My stepsister is half Thai half British and she is gorgeous. She got pregnant by her boyfriend of 7 years (who is African) and if she had carried it to full term, I bet it would have been a gorgeous baby. Good luck telling your family and with your pregnancy!
  • Thank you all so much. I know once the initial reaction is over and reality sets in, she will be ok with it. It's just getting to that point. Ahhhh, the joys of the four letter word. R A C E ! why is it that black families don't frown upon their children dating white girls, but white parents do ?
  • Ive known alot of black families that were furious over their son or daughter bringing home a white person.
  • Really ? Well that makes my feel a little easier about it. I just wish my mom wouldn't be this way
  • Yea and I hear black girls say that white girls always try to steal the only good black men they have lol! Parents get mad and sometimes it lasts for a long time but they get over it when they realize they have to get over it in order to be around you.
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  • I'm so excited, mixed babies are so precious.
  • I'm in a similar situation. I'm preggers and my bf is Indian and I'm hispanic. But he's the one scared to tell anyone we're dating so I'm wondering how the whole pregnant thing is gonna pan out. Good luck.
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